Punitive labour in Cerulea

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Penal labor is used throughout Cerulea to help rebuild the damaged and forgotten rail lines - existing infrastructure which has provided an economic boost without the need for the building and laying of new track networks.
Penal labor is also used throughout the state collectivized industrial farms, known as Kolkhoz, used to feed the nation and eliminate starvation.

The use of forced hard labor in the USSRC is one of the most common means of punishment by imprisonment for criminal offenses against the state, party and person. Instituted as the most humane way to deal with criminals following the rising of the nation from The Green in 1720, it is seen as a means of rebuilding the nation while simultaneously rehabilitating offenders. It is used as the sole means of punishment for those of whom have cause damage to any means of production and welfare of the state. However, for the most serious offenders, such as murderers, rapists and those deemed to be too high of a risk for escape, traditional imprisonment is still used. More often than not, most hard labor facilities are dedicated to a single product - usually those not requiring highly specialized or technical means of production and manufacturing. For some facilities, they serve solely as penal housing with all hard labor activities being those related to construction and infrastructure building throughout a particular jurisdiction.