Circle of Nobles

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The very well preserved original site of the Circle of Nobles.

The Circle of Nobles, also referred to as the Council of Nobles, can be considered a primitive early upper house of the Council of Forest which was designed as a forum from which the tribes could resolve differences and avoid warfare between them. The Circle of Nobles accepted 10 representatives appointed by the Council of the Forest typically consisting of wealthy landowners at the time or those with significant influence or leadership in their tribe.

The Circle of Nobles functioned as a next level group that disputes could be given to for reconciling and resolving. Typically the Circle of Nobles would meet at the stone circle privately seated in the levels above the base of the circle at the bottom while the parties in the dispute would sit around the circle in the bottom and spend time in oratory explaining the nature of their problem and then the Circle of Nobles would pose questions to those in the base of the circle about their problem asking them specific oratorical questions.

Typically those with the best oratory and ability to construct a cogent argument would be victorious in this level of the Circle of Nobles. Despite the outcome the Circle of Nobles was respected and their decision was treated with the full weight of law and enforced by all the tribes during the entirety of its existence. Only by a unanimous agreement of the Circle of Nobles could a matter be sent to the highest level that being the Trio of Elders who met in a cave surrounded by waterfalls deep in the mountains.