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Young Socialist Tribune/1706

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Articles from the Young Socialist Tribune from 1706 AN

News Articles

Lucie Noyer elected Chair of Young Socialists of Nouvelle Alexandrie

The 16-year-old won a landslide in the latest election
YSNA Election 1706.png
PUNTA SANTIAGO, ALD -- 16-year-old Lucie Noyer has been elected as Chair of the Young Socialists of Nouvelle Alexandrie. Noyer, from Punta Santiago, defeated rival Christophe Abascal of Santander in a landslide victory, claiming 79% of the votes cast in the election, with the turnout at a high 93.7%.

Natividad Lacroix of Alduria also claimed victory in the Vice-Chair election, winning 65% of votes on a 92.7% turnout. Notable attendees at the conference in Punta Santiago, at which the election result was announced, include former Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the organisation, such as inaugural Chair and founder Etelvina Bustillo as well as Vice-Premier Itziar Franco who served as Chair from 1690 AN to 1694 AN.

Noyer, born in 1690 AN, comes from a working-class family in Punta Santiago, with her father being a dockworker and active Trade Unionist in the Federation of Teamsters and Dockworkers. Noyer is seen as a rising starlet on the left in Nouvelle Alexandrie. She is already the youngest ever person to be elected as Chair of the organisation and looks to have a promising political career ahead of her.