Treaty of Merensk

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The Treaty of Merensk is a treaty of friendship and cooperation between the Unified Governorates of Benacia and the Republic of Alduria.



Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation





The Unified Governorates of Benacia and the Republic of Alduria, both having established a formal diplomatic relationship with the customary exchanges of Ambassadors Plenipotentiary, do establish in this Treaty the rules to be observed in the intercourse and commerce they desire to establish between their respective countries, with both countries recognizing that said end cannot be better obtained than by taking the most perfect equality and reciprocity for the basis of their agreement.

With this view and desire, the Unified Governorates of Benacia has nominated and constituted Soleiman Karaghandy as its Ambassador Plenipotentiary.

The Republic of Alduria has, on their part, has nominated and constituted Ignacio Hereford as its Ambassador Plenipotentiary.

With their respective plenipotentiaries, after having exchanged their full powers, and on mature deliberation, the Republic of Alduria and the Unified Governorates of Benacia, hereafter referred to as contracting parti(es), have concluded, settled & signed the following articles:


1. There shall be a Perpetual State of mutual recognition and friendship between the Unified Governorates of Benacia and the Republic of Alduria, based on the principles of respect of sovereignty, strict non-interference in the other's internal affairs, and respect for the rule of law.

2. The two contracting parties shall be committed to a peaceful resolution of all issues that may occur to estrange and otherwise alienate them one from the other. There shall be established in the City of Punta Santiago an embassy of the Unified Governorates of Benacia, afforded the protection to its grounds, ambassador and staff as are consistent with the norms.

3. There shall be established in the City of Merensk an embassy of the Republic of Alduria, afforded the protection to its grounds, ambassador and staff as are consistent with the norms.

4. Each Contracting Party shall always accord equitable treatment to the persons, property, enterprises and other interests of nationals and companies of the other Contracting Party.


1. Neither Contracting Party, nor any officers, individuals or other agents acting under the authority of any government, organization or individual of or within either nation, shall commit any form of hostile, aggressive, subversive or destabilizing act against the other, nor against any individuals, organizations or property under either nation's sovereign jurisdiction or control, including damage or disruption to any goods, products or services that may be provided by third parties.

2. Both Contracting Parties shall refrain from any aggressive, belligerent, or hostile act or policy, either overtly or covertly, directed against the other. The Unified Governorates of Benacia shall respect the neutrality of the Republic of Alduria, and vice-versa, in any matters where one or the other are neutral.


1. There shall be freedom of transit through the territories of each Contracting Party by the routes most convenient for international transit:

  • for nationals of the other Party, together with their baggage;
  • for other persons, together with their baggage, en route to or from the territories of such other Party; and
  • for products of any origin en route to or from the territories of such other Party.

2. Such persons and things in transit shall be exempt from customs duties, from duties imposed by reason of transit, and from unreasonable charges and requirements; and shall be free from unnecessary delays and restrictions. They shall, however, be subject to measures and nondiscriminatory regulations necessary to prevent abuse of the transit privilege.

3. Each Contracting Party undertakes to make available the best facilities practicable for travel by tourists and other visitors with respect to their entry, sojourn, and departure, and for the distribution of information for tourists.


1. Nationals of either Contracting Party shall be permitted to enter the territories of the other Contracting Party, provided that they carry valid government-issued identity papers, and to remain therein:

  • for the purpose of carrying on trade between the territories of the two Parties and engaging in related commercial activities;
  • for the purpose of developing and directing the operations of an enterprise in which they have invested, or in which they are actively in the process of investing, a substantial amount of capital; and
  • for other purposes subject to the laws relating to the entry and sojourn of aliens.

2. Nationals of either Contracting Party, within the territories of the other Contracting Party, shall be permitted:

  • to travel therein freely, and to reside at places of their choice;
  • to enjoy the liberty of conscience;
  • to hold both private and public religious services;
  • to gather and to transmit material for dissemination to the public abroad; and
  • to communicate with other persons inside and outside such territories by mail, telegraph and other means open to general public use.

3. The provisions of the present Article shall be subject to the right of either Contracting Party to apply measures that are necessary to maintain public order and protect the public health, morals, and safety.

4. If, within the territories of either Party, a national of the other Party is taken into custody, the nearest consular representative of his country shall on the demand of such national be immediately notified and shall have the right to visit and communicate with such national. Such national shall:

  • receive reasonable and humane treatment;
  • be promptly informed of the accusations against him;
  • be brought to trial as promptly as is consistent with the proper preparation of his defense; and
  • enjoy all means reasonably necessary to his defense, including the services of competent counsel of his choice.

5. Nationals and companies of either Contracting Party shall be permitted to engage, within the territories of the other Party, accountants and other technical experts, executive personnel, attorneys, agents and other specialists of their choice.

6. Nationals and companies of either Contracting Party shall be accorded national treatment with respect to engaging in scientific, educational, religious and philanthropic activities within the territories of the other Party, and shall be accorded the right to form associations for that purpose under the laws of such other Party.

7. The Contracting Parties agree to furthering, through cooperative or other appropriate means, the interchange and use of scientific and technical knowledge, particularly in the interest of increasing productivity and improving standards of living within their respective territories.

8. Nothing in the present Treaty shall be deemed to grant or imply any right to participate in elections, vote, or engage in political activities.


1. The Unified Governorates of Benacia and the Republic of Alduria agree that this treaty shall be in force from the exchange of ratifications and that this treaty shall be ratified on both sides, and the ratifications exchanged from the day of ratification.

2. Either Contracting Party may withdraw from this Treaty provided that seven (7) days' written notice is given.


For the Republic of Alduria:

Alejandro Campos

President of Alduria

For the Unified Governorates of Benacia:

Constantine Loup

Szodan and Commander-in-Chief

See also