Trel IV
TreL IV was born in 1649 He was born in the basement of the Zremlan palace He was the most disliked child among the brothers because he was a greedy, mischievous and stupid child when he was little His birth is very interesting Wenneqk II Nadia IV left in 1647 one day a doctor is forgotten in the insane hospital part of the Zremlan palace and the doors are locked At that time, thousands of madmen abused the doctor, so his father is unknown, then Wenneqk II took pity on the child and adopted him and the doctor forced the woman to marry him. In 1654, Velen III threw a 9-kilogram brick on his brother's head and Wenneqk II, who heard this, had a concussion. When he was 5 years old, he kept him in prison for 3 years. When he got out of prison, he was tried to be strangled by his older brother Velen III. When Wenneqk II heard about this, he exiled Velen III from the country for 1 year. TreL IV was married to a 14-year-old girl when he grew up and had 5 children from her, 3 girls and 2 boys, Hellag Meldon Sifit He has 5 children named Kitto and Malsalak. He cut off the arm of his stepmother Nadia IV in 1667 and broke up again with Velen III. In 1698, he established the Akhidia state with his brothers.