Constitution of Klaasiya

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Title 1: General Provisions

  1. Klaasiya is a demense of the Empire of the Natopians, governed according to the constitution and laws of the Empire, this Constitution and the laws that follow from it.
  2. This Constitution is the highest source of law in Klaasiya, except for the constitution and laws of the Empire that take precedence under Imperial law.
  3. This Constitution and the laws shall apply equally to any persons without any prejudice under any circumstance.
  4. All persons within Klaasiyan jurisdictions shall enjoy the full and equal protection of the laws.
  5. No person may be deprived of life under any circumstance.
  6. No person may be deprived of liberty, freedom of expression, of worship and of equal treatment under the law except by an order of a court of law.
  7. Klaasiya shall be governed by a democratic form of governance under the law.
  8. The lawful powers and authority of the government of Klaasiya shall be exercised by the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, acting independently of one another, except where permitted otherwise under this Constitution.

Title 2: The Legislative branch

  1. The legislative branch shall make the laws and initiate amendments to this Constitution.
  2. The legislative branch shall exercise any such powers as may be necessary to fulfil its functions under Title 2 (1) of this Constitution.
  3. The legislative branch shall consist of a National Assembly and a Senate, which shall act jointly unless otherwise permitted under this Constitution.

Article 1: The National Assembly

  1. The National Assembly shall constitute 100 directly elected members, who shall be elected by popular vote not less than once every 6 years and not more than once every 2 years.
  2. The National Assembly shall elect its Chair from among its membership at the beginning of each new session following an election.
  3. The National Assembly shall have the sole power to:
    1. Initiate any bills that have the primary function of taxation or spending.
    2. Impeach officers under this Constitution.
    3. Approve or reject the President's nominees for members of the Cabinet.
    4. Determine the rules and procedures of its operations, except for its place of meeting.
    5. Elect Klaasiya's delegations to the Imperial Frenzy, and any other such officers operating on behalf of Klaasiya but outside of its immediate jurisdiction.

Article 2: The Senate

  1. The Senate shall constitute 9 Senators, of which 3 shall be appointed by the President at the beginning of his term, 3 shall be elected by the National Assembly at the beginning of its term; and 3 shall be appointed by the Emperor whenever there may be a vacancy.
  2. The Emperor shall designate one of his appointees to the Senate as its Chair.
  3. The Senate shall have the sole power to:
    1. Veto any bills by the National Assembly, except for bills that have the primary function of taxation or spending.
    2. Try all impeachments.
    3. Determine the rules and procedures of its operations, except for its place of meeting.
    4. Veto any Edicts of the President, except for those that have the primary function of regulating or commanding the armed forces.
  4. The Senate shall pass any measure when at least 6 of all Senators concur, except to pass a bill of the National Assembly when not less than a simple majority of Senators need to concur.

Title 3: The President

  1. The President, and his Cabinet, shall execute the laws.
  2. The executive branch shall exercise any such powers as may be necessary to fulfil its functions under Title 3 (1) of this Constitution.
  3. The President shall be elected by popular vote not less than once every 12 years and not more than once every 2 years.
  4. The President may nominate members of the Cabinet to help him execute his duties,
  5. The President shall be the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces, except for when Imperial law provides otherwise.
  6. The President may only order the armed forces to engage in an armed conflict if at least one of the following applies:
    1. There is a clear, present and immediate danger to the law and order of Klaasiya.
    2. There is a clear, present and immediate danger to the Empire.
    3. Deployment of the armed forces is required by Imperial law.
    4. If a decision not to deploy the armed forces would be unlawful.