Elwynnese Instrument of Government 1688-001

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The Defence of Democracy & the Reformation of Political Parties
Castle of Eliria
Subject Political Parties of Elluenuueq
Authority Article 6
Decreed by Princess Kamilla
Extent Elluenuueq
Set before Council 16.IV.1688 AN

  1. The formation of parties, societies, political or professional associations, must never violate the principles of independence, freedom, national unity, proper morality, or the constitutional order.
  2. Parties, societies, political or professional associations may, under no circumstances whatsoever, seek or obtain sources of funding, material support, or support in kind in any form, save for that provided through the direct and regular contributions of the registered members of the aforementioned entities.
  3. No governmental or public body, of any kind, may provide financial assistance, of any kind, to political parties or any association or society engaged in political activities, including, but not limited to, campaigning or the lobbying of government.
  4. No labour organisation or guild may provide financial assistance, of any kind, to political parties or any association or society engaged in political activities, including, but not limited to, campaigning or the lobbying of government.
  5. No corporation, or registered trading entity engaged in commercial activity, or their subsidiaries, may provide financial assistance, of any kind, to political parties or any association or society engaged in political activities, including, but not limited to, campaigning or the lobbying of government.
  6. No party, society, political association or professional association, may employ permanent paid officials or pay persons for work undertaken on their behalf. All offices and works undertaken within any organisation covered by this Instrument of Government must be fulfilled by unpaid volunteers drawn from the membership of the organisation in question.
  7. All campaigning, advertising, and media activities undertaken by any organisation covered by this Instrument of Government, can only be funded by direct contributions from the registered membership of the organisations in question.
  8. Those found in violation of this Instrument of Government shall be found guilty of the offence of Subverting Democracy and shall be liable to judgement before the Court of Star Chamber, the issuance of a Writ of Cudgelling against the named individuals liable for the organisations found to be in contravention of this Instrument of Government, and the issuance of unlimited fines by the Court of Star Chamber.
  9. Parties, societies, political or professional associations found to have been in receipt of funding, material support, or support in kind or in any form, contrary to the provisions of this Instrument of Government may be suppressed by order of the Court of Star Chamber.
  10. Interpretation of this Instrument of Government shall be vested solely in the Court of Star Chamber. Disputation of the interpretation of the Instrument of Government by the Court of Star Chamber is an act of contempt of court and must be answered by a Writ of Cudgelling against those individuals guilty of the offence.
  11. Extant organisations covered under this Instrument of Government shall have one year from its promulgation in which to attain a status of full compliance with its provisions, which is to be reported to the Court of the Prince and verified by the same.