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Official language | Craitish, English |
Capital | Cherry Trees |
Largest cities | Cherry Trees |
Website | [1] |
Forum | [2] |
Number of citizens | 20 |
Number of active citizens | ~5 |
Date founded | 2005 |
Government | Monarchy |
Current leader | King Craitman (Man of many Crates) |
Currency | Crait |
National fruit/food | Cherry |
Cräiteland is a small micronation of three islands, situated in south-eastern Micras, in equivalent to Earth sizes, Cräiteland is roughly the same size as the island of Tazmania (southern Australia), therefore giving it a total equivalent population of around 1,000,000.
The capital city is Cherry Trees, which is in the west of the biggest island (Jedu-ó-Cräite). There are 4 other cities in Cräiteland, these are Osĵätoṇ, Hänävissen-ó-Cräiteland, Biulya, and Xäiville. Each city is the capital of each province, these provinces are Cherry Trees, Obsĵaiduṇ, Metzreäiĵer, Klevets-ó-Sdaa, and Unstjeiädón.
Each island has its own name too. The biggest, and most northerly, is called Jedu-ó-Cräite (Cherry Trees, Osĵätoṇ, and Hänävissen-ó-Cräiteland are situated here), the second biggest, and most southerly, is Jedu-ó-Kuiĵ, and the smallest island is Jedu-ó-Carä. The word 'Jedu' (pronounced "Yedoo") is the Craitish word for 'island'.
Cräiteland also lays claim to some land on the continent of Cibola, named Zandarijn SAR. This is considered Craitish land but governs itself. A small stretch of coastline on the continent of Keltia is also claimed for Cräiteland. This over-seas territory is named Incóntinentija, and was claimed to improve trade between other allied nations.
The major religion of Cräiteland is Pägan. This sets Cräiteland aside from any other nation (or micronation for that matter) as being the only country whose official religion is Pägan. Pägan takes the Druid thoughts of normal Paganism, but it is intertwined with the teachings of the Christian Bible.
To the opposite of what many people think, Pägan is not Devil-worshipping. In fact, Pägans do not believe in a Devil at all. Although evil spirits 'exist' they only appear on the New Year's Day (October 31st - which dates back to the old Pagan festival of All Hallow's, later becoming Hallowe'en). Other celebrated religious festivals include Christmas, Easter, Mid-Summer's Day, and Mid-Winter's Day. As Pägan is a big part of daily life, witchcraft is also practised, but only for medecinal purpose.
There are many Gods and Daities, each one for each element (Earth, Wind, Fire, Water), and also one for each animal, and then one for people. The Bible tells of one God creating all the world, people and animals in seven days, but in Pägan, all the Gods created one specific thing each to put into the world.
Deer are the most sacred animal to Pägans, their antlers are said to be holy, and they are seen as the most majestic animal. Other sacred animals are Eagles and Rabbits. Some beasts are also sacred, including the Chimaera, the Dragon, the Phoenyx, the Hippocampus, and the Centaur.
The Craitish language (Cräitelandóspul) was created around the same time as Cräiteland itself. It one of two official languages of Cräiteland (the other being English).
It is a Germanic language, very loosely based on English, but also takes words from Swedish and Welsh. There are many accents and dipthongs that do not appear in English, and some letters that are pronounced differently, so here is a quick guide to help with them.
ä - ay / ar ĵ - zh ṇ - ny ñ - nz ó - or ś - sh j - y chh - ch (as in loch) cq - qu hj - hy yh - ee
For more information on the Craitish language, please click here. Fór mór yhnfórmätión o oesst Cräitelandóspul spul, hjee clicka hjer.
Cräiteland is seperated into 5 provinces, each is the home to one of the 5 cities of the country. Each province has history and culture that is different from the others, and each province has its own official flag and coat of arms. The Craitish people are always proud of the province they come from.
The provinces, in alphabetical order, are -
Cherry Trees