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Largest cities Sámuda
Number of citizens 80,000 (Simulated)
Number of active citizens 1 (Actual)
Date founded 31 March 2020

Milovah is a small coastal country. They follow Aahiniism, a monotheistic religion emphasizing love for all living things. As a result, Milovah is a pacifist nation, refusing to go to war for any reason. Milovians have a reputation for being a generous and loving people, sometimes to a fault.


Milovah was mostly inhabited by pastoral nomads, keeping to themselves and their families. This was until one day, Aahini gave those nomads a vision, all at once - that they were to go to the land where Sámuda now stands and build a community. This event is referred to as The Initiation. As they began to migrate, Aahini gave them laws to follow; the most important of which was that they must not harm another human being, under any circumstance. At the beginning stages of Sámuda's development, they wrote down these laws and called them the Anahí.

As they had direct contact with Aahini, they felt no need to build things like prisons or police stations. Everyone had gotten the same message of peace, and who would disobey a god that had talked to them personally? However, they did build a courthouse to settle civil matters, with Aahini as judge. There was no need for a human judge - Aahini just spoke Her verdict to the people directly. This courthouse was, for a short time, the biggest building in Sámuda, a record shortly beaten by the Sámudan Temple.


The people of Milovah live under a theocracy of sorts, but without a resident priest. All decrees come directly from Aahani, heard in the minds of all Milovians. They do have a representative, titled the Jođa, who has been chosen by Aahani Herself to represent Milovah diplomatically. Milovah does not have an established military or police force, and likely never will.


Milovians tend to be incredibly kind, and naive when dealing with people from other cultures. Milovian merchants have a reputation of honesty and quality, with their goods sold at reasonable prices. Milovia has only one main resource to trade, that being dye. There are also some shepherds, descended from the original shepherds at The Initiation, who tend to sheep and goats. Some Milovians take the commitment towards nonviolence and apply it towards animals as well, being vegetarians. Milovian cuisine is known world over for being delicious, and almost every recipe has a vegetarian alternative.

All that Aahani speaks to find their eyes turning into a particularly radiant light blue, so Milovians can be identified by their eye color. This also means one cannot lie about encountering Aahani, or being a Milovian. Their skintone tends to be olive, with some exceptions. Milovians are very open to immigrants and tourists, and many people visit the town for its beautiful beaches and hospitable people, but sadly, few stay.

Those who do decide to stay are welcomed with unconditional open arms, and those who are welcomed by Aahani and hear her voice are called Enveloped. There is a special Envelopment ceremony involving a special party, accompanied by the breaking of bread together.