Project Microburst/Test 1 Report
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Project: Microburst
Phase: I
Test: 1
- Test Chamber UG-Alpha
- Mobius Research Station, Antarctic Sea
- Pressure sensitive testing target (target)
- Anemometer
- Zephyros Wind Cannon 1 (WC-1)
- Zephyros Wind Cannon 2 (WC-2)
- Activate cannon, ascertain wind speed, and perform crosswind tests
- Activate WC-1
- Ascertain wind speed via anemometer and target
- Maneuver WC-2 into position perpendicular to WC-1
- Determine effects of crosswind
- Power down WC-1 and WC-2
- WC-1 or WC-2 fail to activate
- Power down active WCs
- Abort test
- Return failed asset to engineering department for analysis
- Target fails to detect pressure
- Power down WCs
- Abort test
- Return failed asset to engineering department for analysis
- Control of either WC lost
- Evacuate test chamber
- Power down active WCs
- Attempt remote power down of triggering WC
- Remote power down fails
- Cut electricity to test chamber
- Abort test
- Return failed asset to engineering department for analysis
- Experiment successful. Wind speeds in excess of 325 km/h. Anemometer and target destroyed.
- Request engineering department develop more resilient testing materials.
- Proceed to next wave of testing.
Dr. Arthur Hammond