Guttuli Protectorate/Anvoda
Initially concentrated on the western bank of the Lower Elwynn, the Guttuli Protectorate has expanded significantly into southern Lunaris while consolidating its control over the County of Alexandretta and the City of Musica.
Local administrative functions are conducted by a patchwork of public-benefit corporations assigned to provide and manage the Secondary Economy within a defined territorial jurisdiction. There are currently such 34 Authorities (Pr. Anvoda). An authority's administrative staff is provided by the Guttuli Corps personnel who are assigned to Home rotation.
On 16.V.1672 AN, Authority Aïna was renamed Authority Svalbarh, with a new urban center constructed on its southeastern shore, complete with port section and a trio of temples dedicated to the Sun. The daily radio announcement described Svalbarh as an opportunity to enact the guiding principles of the new order onto effectively virgin land, and that the work accomplished there would be the shape of things to come. Locally-sourced labor battalions, deployed from Command Meszor, were able to complete the first stages of construction in record time, with the Temple to the Unyielding Sun consecrated on 1.VI.1672.