Tellian Air Force

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The Servizio Aeronautico (Istvanistani: Air Service), commonly known as the Tellian Air Force, is the embryonic air defence component of the armed forces of the Tellian Confederation, active during the Kalirion Fracture. The primary task of the Tellian Air Force is to ensure the sovereignty of the airspace of the Confederation, a task made insurmountably more difficult by the fragmentation of the state hitherto into five unconnected city-state cantons, and to provide aviation support to other branches in the implementation of their tasks in joint operations. It is also the operator of the integrated anti-aircraft defence system of the capital, Romero.

The sole jet aircraft capable of performing multi-role strike and air defence missions, the G.55 Tempesta, is a relic of the Ashkenatzim period. That a Tellian Air Force existed at all by the mid-1670's was, in and of itself, a story of salvage and subterfuge that will be told in due course. Inheriting a dwindling stock of vintage and Ashkenatzim aircraft, the Tellians were consistently denied the opportunity to refresh and reinvigorate their inventory on account of their precarious situation, divided into five weak city state cantons and caught for a time in the orbits of the Shirerithian and Minarborian empires - Minarboria had no aircraft to sell, entirely on account of quirks in its internal doctrine, whilst the Imperial Republic scarcely intended to assist those territories, which it considered to have already become little better than fiefs of the Golden Mango Throne, in improving their own sovereign defence capacity. As such, for the longest time, the Tellians were obliged to repair, maintain, and cannibalise the aircraft that they already had so as to preserve an air arm in some semblance of a working order.


  • Air Force and Air Defence Command, in Romero
    • Command Company, in Romero (Romero Airport)
    • 91st Air Force Base, in Scoglitto
      • Command Company
      • Fighter Aircraft Squadron, flying G.55 Tempesta
      • Multirole Helicopter Squadron, flying UH-1 Leviatano (at 94th Air Force Base, in Rossavro)
      • Aeronautical Technical Battalion
    • 93rd Air Force Base, in Fiorecittà
    • Airspace Surveillance and Control Battalion, at 91st Air Force Base
      • Airspace Surveillance Centre, in Savona
      • Sector Operation Centre, in Rossavro to coordinate with the Coast Guard
      • x5 radar posts with AN/FPS-117 radars, assigned 1 per enclave
      • Radio-technical Maintenance and Support Company, at 91st Air Force Base
    • Air Force Training Centre "Marco Pittori", at 93rd Air Force Base
    • 11th Missile Company (Romero region, mobile)


Aircraft Origin Type Image In service Notes
Combat Aircraft
G.55 Tempesta Ashkenatza fighter Yabotinsky Skunkworks Shturemfoygl.png 12
UH-1 Leviatano Ashkenatza transport/SAR Yabotinsky Skunkworks Livyatan.png 23
OH-2 Ragazzo Ashkenatza armed scout Yabotinsky Skunkworks Short Lev.png 16
Trainer Aircraft
Te.63 Cicogna Tellia trainer Te.63 Cicogna.png 5
Te.42 Sagittario Tellia trainer Sagittario.png 14