Port of Rey

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Established in 901 WG, the Port of Rey serves as an extension of Grand Duke National Mall.

Logo of Korhal Agricultural.

The nation's largest producer of non-spice related agriculture, Korhal Agricultural is a leading employer of the region's native Gamesman peoples.

Recent Production Reports

897 WG: Prices are High

-Wheat: 31.5 Tons / Share

-Oatmeal: 18 Tons / Share

-Cereal: 20 Tons / Share

-Hay: 36 Tons / Share

897 Employment Report

-Number of People Employed (% of all Employed): 660,094 (2.91%)

-Total Paid in Wages (% of all Wages): 6,547 Polis (%)

-Average Wages / Employee: .01 Polis

-Value of Company (% of GDP): 37,464 Polis (2.91%)

Company is Adequately Funded.