New South Jangsong Campaign

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The New South Jangsong Campaign was a conflict between the Bassaridian War League and the independent city-states of New South Jangsong. It was a multifaceted struggle rooted in the strategic significance of the Northern Strait of Haifa. As Bassaridia Vaeringheim sought to expand its control over this vital maritime trade route, the independent cities, with their unique blend of Bassarid, Haifan, and Normarkian heritage, resisted external dominance. This clash of interests led to a series of covert operations, military incursions, and diplomatic maneuvers by the Hatch Ministry aimed at disrupting local power structures and integrating the region into the Bassarid sphere of influence. Compounding the tension were economic factors, as the region's rich resources and thriving trade networks attracted Bassarid ambitions, and cultural dynamics, with Reformed Stripping Path missionaries attempting to convert the population, adding layers of religious and social complexity to the ongoing conflict.

New South Jangsong Campaign
Date 49-19-49.53 PSSC
Location New South Jangsong
Status Concluded
Bassaridian War League Normarkian Insurgents
Commanders and leaders



Historical Context

The conflict between the Hatch Ministry and the cities of New South Jangsong stemmed from the strategic importance of the Northern Strait of Haifa. This waterway is crucial for maritime trade routes that benefit the Dionysian trade empire of Bassaridia Vaeringheim. The region's cities, with their semi-independent status and mixed cultural influences, have historically resisted external control. The Hatch Ministry, with the support of a portion of the Vaeringheim Division and Reformed Bassarid Missionaries, was tasked with securing these trade routes and establishing Bassarid political dominance, leading to a series of covert and overt operations aimed at undermining local resistance and integrating the region into the Bassarid sphere of influence.

Cultural and Ethnic Dynamics

The region of New South Jangsong is a melting pot of cultures, blending elements of Bassarid, Haifan, and Normarkian cultures. This unique cultural synthesis has fostered a strong local identity resistant to outside influence. The cities maintain distinct traditions, social structures, and governance styles that reflect their dual heritage. The cultural pride and diverse ethnic composition of the region complicate efforts by external powers, such as the Bassarids, to impose uniform control. These dynamics fuel local resistance and complicate the War League's mission to integrate the region under Bassarid hegemony.

Geopolitical Tensions

Geopolitical tensions in the region were driven by the strategic importance of controlling the Northern Strait of Haifa. The Bassarid Empire, seeking to expand its influence and secure vital trade routes, viewed the semi-autonomous cities of New South Jangsong as both an opportunity and a threat. The local city-states, valuing their independence, were wary of Bassarid encroachment, and in certain cases, actively opposed the growth of Bassarid trade routes through the region. This led to a complex interplay of alliances, espionage, and military maneuvers as both sides vied for control. The involvement of other independent regional powers, either supporting the local cities or seeking their own gains, further exacerbated the tensions.

Economic Factors

Economically, the region of New South Jangsong is significant due to its rich resources, strategic ports, and vibrant trade networks. The local economy thrives on a mix of maritime commerce, artisanal crafts, and agriculture, particularly vineyards and orchards. Bassaridia Vaeringheim's interest in the region was largely driven by the desire to control these lucrative trade routes and resources. Economic disruptions, such as blockades and sabotage by the Hatch Ministry, aimed to weaken local economies and force integration into the Bassarid trade system. The region's economic resilience and local trade networks posed significant challenges to Bassarid dominance.

Religious Influence

The Reformed Stripping Path missionaries added another layer of complexity to the conflict. These missionaries sought to convert the population of New South Jangsong to their faith, promoting a syncretic religion that combined elements of local beliefs with Bassarid spiritual practices. Their efforts were met with varying degrees of resistance and acceptance. While some locals saw conversion as a means to gain favor with the powerful Bassarids, others viewed it as an erosion of their cultural identity. The missionaries' influence aligned with Bassarid political interests, furthering the War League's goals by softening local resistance and fostering a sense of shared identity with the empire.

Operation Details

Hatch Ministry and Alpazkigz Campaign

In 49.19 PSSC, a portion of Hatch Ministry forces were deployed to New South Jangsong on a mission to investigate reports of disruption to Bassarid trade networks in the region. In 49.49, this mission was expanded, with minimal support from the Alpazkigz Division, to include active combat operations against insurgent forces in the region which sought to eliminate Bassarid economic influence in New South Jangsong. The purpose of these combat operations was to weaken opposition to Bassarid political and economic influence prior to the arrival of Reformed Bassarid missionaries and the Vaeringheim Division.


In Bjornopolis, an inland city known for its bustling agora, where Normarkian traders and Haifan merchants exchanged goods, the Hatch Ministry executed a covert operation designed to infiltrate key merchant guilds. By planting agents within these guilds, the Ministry disrupted trade agreements that threatened Bassarid interests, ultimately weakening local economic power structures.


In Aegerheim, a city located on the shores of the northern Strait of Haifa, Hatch Ministry operatives, flying under false flags, sabotaged the city's bustling shipyards, causing significant delays in the construction of their vessels which were intended to oppose growing Bassarid naval and maritime influence. This reduced the city's naval capabilities, making it more difficult for them to challenge Bassarid maritime dominance.


In a bold move, Hatch Ministry operatives disguising themselves as Morovian Nationalists, orchestrated the assassination of several influential leaders in Skýrophos - the de facto capital of the independent city-states of New South Jangsong - who were rallying opposition against growing Bassarid influence. This created a power vacuum, allowing Bassarid-friendly factions to gain control.


The Alpazkigz Division enforced an economic blockade on Norsolyra, a city famous for its shipbuilding, cutting off essential supplies and trade routes. This blockade pressured the city’s leaders into negotiations, resulting in concessions that favored Bassarid trade policies.


A widespread propaganda campaign was launched in Pelagia, promoting the benefits of Bassarid political alignment and undermining local leaders who opposed Bassarid influence. This shifted public opinion in favor of Bassarid control.


Hatch Ministry spies infiltrated the academies of Myrene, gathering intelligence on intellectual and political movements that could threaten Bassarid interests. This information was used to preemptively neutralize potential threats.


The Hatch Ministry forged alliances with dissident groups in Thyrea who were dissatisfied with the current leadership. By supporting these groups, the Ministry facilitated a coup that installed a government more aligned with Bassarid goals.


The Alpazkigz Division led a direct military incursion into Ephyra to dismantle a growing militia that posed a threat to Bassarid trade routes. The operation successfully eliminated the militia and reasserted Bassarid control over the region.

Cultural Integration in Halicarn

The Ministry initiated a cultural integration program in Halicarn, introducing Bassarid customs, festivals, and educational reforms. This effort aimed to erode local identities and create a more Bassarid-aligned populace.

Treaty of Thorsalon

After a series of strategic diplomatic maneuvers and military pressure, the Hatch Ministry secured the Treaty of Thorsalon. This treaty formalized Bassarid political control over the city, ensuring that its governance and economic policies would align with Bassarid interests.

Temple Bank and Vaeringheim Divison Campaign

In the wake of combat operations carried out by the Hatch Ministry and the Alpzakigz Division, the Temple Bank of the Reformed Stripping Path deployed 3,148 missionaries representing each of the major Reformed Bassarid cults, in an overt effort to convert the people New South Jangsong to the Bassarid religion, and to establish concrete political and cultural ties between New South Jangsong and Bassaridia Vaeringheim. These missionaries were escorted by forces representing the Vaeringheim Division, who were responsible for protecting missionaries and for ensuring the security and success of their operations and activities.


In Skýrophos, a fleet of decorated ships, representing the various Reformed Bassarid cults, arrived in the harbor of Skýrophos. The missionaries disembarked in a grand procession, showcasing their diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. As the Harmony Fleet arrived in Skýrophos, Normarkian pirates attempted to attack the decorated ships. Forces associated with the Vaeringheim Division deployed a flotilla to intercept the attackers, engaging in a fierce naval battle resulting in a total defeat of the pirates. The dramatic arrival of the missionaries, and the spectacle of the naval engagement between the Vaeringheim Division and Normarkian pirates, captured the attention of the city's inhabitants, sparking curiosity and open-mindedness about the new beliefs.

Following their arrival representatives from the Harmony Sanctum, the Eon Fellowship, and the Order of Aurora Mystica performed a unified ritual at the city's largest temple. During the unified ritual at the Great Temple, a group of radical local dissidents attempted to disrupt the ceremony. The Vaeringheim Division was on high alert and quickly subdued the attackers without causing casualties. This powerful display of spiritual unity and military force began to erode resistance to the new faith in Skýrophos.


In Bjornopolis, The Ordo Amicitia and the Guild of Golden Shadows established a special market showcasing religious artifacts, sacred texts, and blessed items. Free food and drink were offered, symbolizing the divine generosity of Erasmus and Chrysos. The market attracted both Haifan merchants and Normarkian traders, fostering a sense of community and interest in the new religion. With that said, the market also attracted thieves and saboteurs. The Vaeringheim Division set up discreet security details to protect both the market stalls and the attendees. Several attempts to disrupt the market were thwarted, maintaining order and safety. The military's presence reassured both merchants and visitors, contributing to the event's success.

The Temple Illuminata, meanwhile, hosted a symposium where priests and philosophers from both cultures debated and discussed the principles of the Reformed Stripping Path. The event was held in a grand symposium room, and was intendend by many of the city's most important religious leaders. During the symposium, threats were made against the philosophers and priests by anti-conversion factions. The Vaeringheim Division provided covert protection and ensured the safe passage of key figures. The intellectual engagement, which proceeded without incident, helped to win over the city's thinkers and leaders, who then influenced the broader population in support of the Reformed Bassarid religion.

Finally, a grand feast is organized by missionaries representing Accord Concordia, which included performances, storytelling, and shared meals which celebrated the values of harmony and unity embodied by Lukedu. The grand feast faced threats of sabotage from factions opposed to the new faith. In response to these threats, the Vaeringheim Division enhanced security measures, including undercover operatives mingling with the crowd. The social and festive atmosphere of this feast fostered goodwill and acceptance among the city's inhabitants. The feast was a resounding success, free from any disruptions. The military's presence was subtle but effective, ensuring the safety and enjoyment of all attendees.


In Aegirheim, The Ignis Aeternum and the Eon Fellowship performed a blessing ceremony at the city's towering walls. They invoke divine protection and strength for the fortifications. The ritual appealed to the city's defenders and warriors, who valued the added spiritual protection for their fortifications. Following these blessing rituals, a series of performances were held by missionaries representing the Mystery of the Stygian Veil, depicting tales and myths from Normarkian traditions, with an emphasis on themes of transformation and rebirth, as embodied by Styx. These performances attracted large crowds, including potential disruptions. The Vaeringheim Division established a perimeter and conducted thorough checks to prevent any disturbances. The performances went smoothly, with the military ensuring the safety of both performers and audience members. The cultural resonance and entertainment value of these performances engaged the populace and promoted the new faith through familiar stories, thereby helping to solidify the new faith's presence in the city.


In Norsolyra, a festival was organized where ships were blessed by priests from the Sylvan Fellowship and the Mystery of Red Mirth. This festival honored the city's shipbuilding traditions through rituals, dances, and offerings. The ship blessing festival faced threats from a rival shipbuilding faction. The Vaeringheim Division responded to these threats deployed both land and naval units to safeguard the event. The festival strengthened the connection between the local shipbuilders and the divine, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose. The festival was protected from any potential sabotage, allowing the blessings and celebrations to proceed. The military's vigilance was key to the event's success.

In addition to this festival, Rex Catonis and Sanctum Vitalis conducted a ceremony that honored the city's artisans and warriors. They blessed the tools and weapons crafted in the city's workshops, emphasizing the divine balance between creation and protection. Hostile factions attempted to disrupt the ceremony honoring artisans and warriors, however these disruptions were mitigated as the Vaeringheim Division conducted pre-emptive raids on known agitators and maintained a strong defensive presence at the event. This event honored local skills and traditions while promoting the new religious values, gaining the support of influential community members. The ceremony proceeded without any incidents, showcasing the military's effectiveness in preventing disruptions. This bolstered the local support for the new faith, and confidence in the effectiveness of the Bassaridian War League.

Military Escorts

Throughout the campaign, the Vaeringheim Division maintained a constant protective presence for the Reformed Bassarid missionaries. This included escorting them between cities, guarding their residences, and responding to any threats. The continuous protection efforts ensured the safety and well-being of the missionaries, allowing them to focus on their mission of conversion. The military's dedication helped build trust and support among the new converts. These events highlighted the critical role played by the Vaeringheim Division in safeguarding the missionaries and their efforts to spread the Reformed Stripping Path. Their actions not only protected the missionaries but also helped build trust and credibility in the eyes of the local populations.
