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Operation Debellatio

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Operation Debellatio
Part of War of Lost Brothers
Date 18.XIII.1655 - 6.III.1656
Location Aqaba, Central Eura
Status Constancian victory
Constancia flag old.png
Xechan stragglers
Nivardomski Otechestvenofrontovska insurgents
Commanders and leaders
Constancia flag old.png
Antistrategos Demetrios Thesalonikis
Ivan and Petăr Asen

Operation Debellatio was a Constancian police action against suspected Xecha crime syndicate stragglers, Nivardomski Otechestvenofrontovska insurgents, brigands, and general enemies of the Constancian state.



Airmobile infantry disembark from helicopters on enemy soil at dawn, 0530H, and surge into the city of Aqaba. Remaining 2 helicopters (60 infantry) secure an emergency evacuation point. As each household is cleared, men of military age are segregated from women and children, with the men of military age sent to kneel in the dirt with hands tied, under armed guard, at the nearest open space.

Any confirmed dissidents are evacuated via helicopter to the ships offshore via armed guard. Resistance is treated with maximum tolerance. Any armed resistance is met with reciprocal force. No vessels are permitted to sail.

Any particularly violent or bothersome city sectors are radioed for ground mortar, air, or naval gunfire support. Significant strongpoints are reinforced with machine guns and grenadier infantry.

At 0630H, seaborne platoons on rowboats reinforce via the beach, extracting any walking wounded. City sectors are secured. Mopping-up operations continue throughout the day. Curfew is declared from sundown to sunup.



The Autokrator of Constancia arrived on the morning of 6.III.1656, and in a formal ceremony, proclaimed that the residents were now under the protection of Basileus Petros III. All adult residents were obliged to obliged to subscribe to an oath of allegiance. Interim barracks were constructed and defensive points strengthened, while the rest of the area was meticulously surveyed. That evening, at a command conference aboard the Northman Class Corvette flagship Vassilikón Ploíon, Royal Ship Strategos Metaxas, Antistrategos (Lieutenant General) Demetrios Thesalonikis was appointed Military Governor of Aqaba and granted plenipotentiary powers.
