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Revision as of 17:44, 29 October 2007 by Iehova (talk | contribs)
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Official language English
Capital Ripon
Largest cities Marton-le-Moor, Seongchen, West Grinstead, Aldburgh
Date founded 28 July 2005 (previously offline)
Government Republic, directly democratic
Current leader Simon Walmsley (Ind.)
Currency Supra
National animal Dragonfly, Bear
National drink "Milk plus"
Map versions 7.0.6 - ???

Riponia, or more properly the Democratic Republic of Riponia, is a large micronation with its mainland on the Micrasian continent of Corum. It is also one of the very few surviving functional republics in the Micras/Geiss sector.


The exact history of Riponia's founding has been lost to the sands of time. Members of the Cult of Tzaak, Riponia's oldest religion and the one that has risen to most prominence in recent times, maintain that Riponia's history can be traced back to the Hyrresian Empire, when Hethak, the man cursed by the gods to spend eternity as a bear for stealing corn from them, went to the top of Mount Isa, where the religion's deities live, and overthrew them. Hethak claimed all of Corum for himself and his sons, half-man half-bear children of Hethak's loving human wife.

Cult lore has it that the people of the Hyrresian Empire, oppressed by their emperor, rose up against him, defeating Hethak's sons, who commanded the empire's merciless armies. They could not match, however, the power of Hethak, still seated atop Mount Isa. That is, until Khazk, God of the Good Harvest, came to a warrior, Tzakk, in a dream.

Khazk explained that he had escaped Hethak's wrath, that the other Gods were alive, although severely weakened, and that he had returned in order to aid the People in their fight against the evil bear Emperor. He presented Tzakk with the mythical Sword of Light, infused with the remaining power of the Gods, and told him to meet Hethak in his Palace atop Mount Isa.

After a duel lasting two days and two nights, Tzakk drove the Sword of Light into Hethak's skull, turning the bear to stone and fulfilling the Gods' prophecy that Hethak would spend eternity in animal form.

Cultists believe that it is at this point that modern Riponia begins to develop. With Hethak overthrown, a series of many small states asserted themselves, which changed and adapted over time, becoming more and less powerful, even nations in their own right, being invaded and reclaiming their independence, until their eventual union into the United Counties of Riponia.

All was well under this Union until August 2006, where Government infighting and inactivity led to civil strife and mass protests. Led by the psuedonymed 'Urban Guerilla' the people of Riponia once again united in popular revolution against their oppressive Government. As the Prime Minister of the Union took his own life to save himself from the baying mob outside, Urban Guerilla stood on the central balcony of the Riponian Parliament building and declared a new Democratic Republic, which has seen success ever since.



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