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Congress of the Confederated States of Gran Verionia

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Congress of the Confederated States of Gran Verionia

Congreso de los Estados Confederados de Gran Verionia
1st Congress
Gran Verionia Coat of Arms.png
Houses Consejo de los Estados
Cámara de Representantes
Founded 1683
Preceded by Grand Council of Verionian States
Seats Consejo de los Estados: 24
Cámara de Representantes: 300
Consejo de los Estados political groups

Government (16)

  Partido Unionista : 8 seats
  Verionist Union: 5 seats
  Partido de Liberación Nacional: 2 seats
  Association of Merchants: 1 seat

Opposition (8)

  Cambio Democratico: 3 seats
  Al-Wafd: 2 seats
  Hizbusoufi: 1 seat
  Kasterburger Volksbond: 1 seat
  Progressieve Alliantie: 1 seat
Cámara de Representantes political groups

Verionian Unionist Coalition (189)

  Partido Unionista : 125 seats
  Verionist Union: 23 seats
  Partido de Liberación Nacional: 19 seats
  Association of Merchants: 17 seats
  Princely Delegation: 5 seats

Coalition for Tradition and Values (91)

  Al-Wafd: 55 seats
  Hizbusoufi: 24 seats
  Kasterburger Volksbond: 5 seats
  Partido Conservador: 4 seats
  Nationalist Coalition of Benacia: 2 seats
  Partido Fascista Republicano: 1 seat

Group for Democracy (17)

  Cambio Democratico: 14 seats
  Syndicalist Front: 2 seats
  Progressieve Alliantie: 1 seat

Coalition for the Regions (3)

  Sovereign Keraqi Front: 1 seat
  Acción Popular de Timaro: 1 seat
  Elsenari and Lunatic Union: 1 seat
Consejo de los Estados voting system
Elected by regional legislatures
Cámara de Representantes voting system
First-past-the-post constituency voting
Meeting place
Palacio de Mármol

The Congress of the Confederated States of Gran Verionia (Martino: Congreso de los Estados Confederados de Gran Verionia) is the bicameral parliament of Gran Verionia. It was established in 1683 to replace the Grand Council of Verionian States. The Congress consists of the 24-seat Council of States and the 300-seat chamber of representatives.

The bicameral parliament was introduced in 1683 to establish a better representation of the entire nation following the Northern Expansion. The Council of States was introduced, which functions as a non-proportional representation of the Republics, States and Territories of Gran Verionia.

Consejo de los Estados

The Council of States is the upper chamber of the Congress. The role of the Council is to ratify legislation passed by the Chamber of Representatives, as well as to confirm government appointments. Its members represent the Republics, States and Territories of Gran Verionia. The members of the Council of States are appointed by the local legislatures. The membership of the Council of States is not representative. Each Republic appoints three members of the Council, while each State and Territory appoints two.

State Council Member Political Allignment Term Started
Kasterburg Republic Jehosephat de Montfort Kasterburger Volksbond 1683
David van der Meer Verionist Union 1683
Karel Santen Progressieve Alliantie 1683
Republic of Los Liberados Pedro Jimenèz Infante Partido de Liberación Nacional 1683
Ernesto Martinèz Campo Partido de Liberación Nacional 1683
Martha Solaño Rosario Cambio Democratico 1683
State of Aracataca Ignacio Sanchèz Herado Cambio Democratico 1683
César Velarde Quito Partido Unionista 1683
State of Cajamara Simón Canas Vea Partido Unionista 1683
Régulo Esquilin Camarena Partido Unionista 1683
State of Isabella María Ramirez Tejera Partido Unionista 1683
Santiago Leyba Baez Partido Unionista 1683
State of Granada Nawid Herera Partido Unionista 1683
Patricio Al-Hasam Cambio Democratico 1683
State of Souf Ali Al-Shafed Hizbusoufi 1683
Chaim Viqh Association of Merchants 1683
State of Torosh Jamal Bin Osman Al-Wafd 1683
Ibrahim Al-Ramadi Al-Wafd 1683
State of Valentia Emerico Calleja Rejo Partido Unionista 1683
Ana Fleites Serna Partido Unionista 1683
Free City of Chryste Rodrick Delacroix Verionist Union 1683
Howard Valz Verionist Union 1683
Capital Territory of Valarion Sarah Bezir Verionist Union 1683
Oliver Hasenda Verionist Union 1683

Cámara de Representantes

The Cámara de Representantes replaced the existing Grand Council. Before 1683, members of the Grand Council were elected or appointed in their representative states. Seats were distributed according to population of the Verionian States. T


he Grand Council has the power of legislation, but this legislation, either through acts or resolutions, have no binding power. Acts may have binding power when they receive the support of a 2/3rd majority of the Cámara, are agreed on by the Consejo de los Estados by a simple majority and are promulgated by the Supreme Director. Resolutions never have binding power, but are recommendations that may or may not be taken over by the Consejo.

Distribution of Seats

Since the members of the Grand Council are appointed in their own States, there are no confederation-wide elections or political parties that contest these. Even the method of appointment differs widely throughout the States. Four States hold elections for their Grand Council seats, these are Chryste, Kasterburg, Los Liberados and the Mercantile Realm of Souf. The two largest States, the State of Valentia and the Federated Tribes of Torosh, have their representatives directly appointed by respectively the Governor and the High Sha'ikh. In addition, the Princess of Valarion also appoints the five representatives of the Capital Territory directly.

Although there is no centralised system of appointment, the representatives of the States do align themselves in parliamentary groups. There are four groups that made up the Grand Council. These groups are, in order of membership, the Verionian Unionist Coalition, the Coalition for Tradition and Values, the Group for Democracy and the Coalition for the Regions.

Groups in the Grand Council of Verionian States

Group Seats Ideology Member groups
Verionian Unionist Coalition 189 Verionian Unionism
Coalition for Tradition and Values 91 Conservatism, Religious interest
  • Al-Wafd (55)
  • Hizbusoufi (24)
  • Kasterburger Volksbond (5)
  • Partido Conservador (4)
  • Nationalist Coalition of Benacia (2)
  • Partido Fascista Republicano (1)
Group for Democracy 17 Democracy, Liberalism
Coalition for the Regions 3 Regionalism
  • Sovereign Keraqi Front (1)
  • Acción Popular de Timaro (1)
  • Elsenari and Lunatic Union (1)


The Grand Council elected a chairman, or Washar, from its ranks. The Washar is tasked with leading the debates and maintaining the order in the debating chamber. In addition, the Washar is the first advisor to the Elu, often mitigating between the wishes of the Grand Council and the monarchy. The last Washar was Godolphin Viqh, who is a member of the Association of Merchants, representing Souf.