1678 D7 002

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A Directive of the Command Executive on Matters of Obedience & Faith, Forming a Covenant between the Community of the Realm and the Unified Governorates of Benacia

His Serenity the Sovereign, by and with the advice and consent of the Command Executive, and the Representatives acting on behalf of the State Assembly, hereby Enacts that: -

  1. The commandments contained at Schedule I of this act shall be read in every Bailiwick, Ward, and District of the Governorates of the Unified Governorates by officers duly appointed by the Archons of the Circuits on the 13th day of the 13th month of this year with the action to be repeated on the 13th day of the 13th month of every year.
  2. The Archons of the Circuits are to record the names, ages, occupations, and abodes of every person who refuses or otherwise fails to sign the covenant as directed. These names are to be submitted to the Deputy Director of State Security by the 1st day of the 14th month of this year with the action to be repeated by the 1st day of the 14th month of every year.
  3. These recusants shall be fined 200,000 Natopos for the first refusal with ten years Community Service being mandated for repeat offenders and for those unwilling or unable to pay the mandated amount.
  4. The Deputy Director of the Revenue Service must issue to the Archons of the Circuits by the 1st day of the 1st month of 1679 the lists of recusants who are to be served writs of summons to appear before them with payment by the 5th day of the same month. This action must be repeated every year.
  5. Recusants who refuse to comply with the writ of summons must be arrested and brought before their respective governors for trial and punishment.

This Act shall come into effect from the date of its publication.

Schedule I
  1. Let all souls, citizens, denziens and the unfree, who dwell within the lands, hasten to make prompt submission before the Imperial Standards, before the portraits of the Kaiser, and at the altars of the Highest Divinity.
    1. All who do so, for the salvation of their souls, shall be bound to the Community of the Realm, itself a part of the great Chain of Being which links the material world below to the Celestial Temple above.
    2. The votive offerings of first fruits and labour must be offered to the goddess Agni who forged the Sword of Fire for the scourging of all enemies of Humanity.
    3. The Benac, as ancestor of all true Benacians, is the Cult Hero to whom the first kill and first meal of each new year must be dedicated in remembrance of he who first claimed this continent for Humanity.
  2. Let those who have genuflected and prostrated themselves sign the covenant in their blood, binding their souls, and those of their descendants, in obedience to the laws.
    1. Let every Bailiwick maintain the Register of Souls and keep there a faithful record of all who have signed the covenant in their blood, for they shall be accountable, with their blood, and the blood of their descendants, for their conduct.
  3. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of the Highest Divinity: the powers that be are ordained of the Highest Divinity and the Celestial Temple.
    1. Every soul must submit to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which derives from the Highest Divinity. The authorities that exist have been appointed by the Highest Divinity.
    2. Consequently, the one who resists authority is opposing what the Highest Divinity has set in place, and those who do so will bring judgement on themselves.
    3. Let every soul therefore submit itself, out of reverence for the Highest Divinity, to every human institution, especially to the Kaiser as the supreme authority.
  4. Let every soul fear the Highest Divinity and the sovereign, and associate not with the rebellious who lust after change.
    1. For the rebellious have no future; the lamps of the wicked will be extinguished.
  5. Let every soul who has authority over his fellows put them in mind to be subject to the law, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work commanded by authority.
  6. Let every soul keep the commandments of their sovereign, for the sake of their submission to the Highest Divinity.
  7. Let every soul keep to the faith of their ancestors and honour their shrines and their memory.
  8. The worship of the Vanir, of Germania, of Sisera, and the of Baishens, is forbidden.
  9. The Tribe of Levi, the families of the Yasna-performing Mobads, and the Vicars of the High Gods, being representatives of the lawful offices of the priesthood of the Highest Divinity, shall enjoy special protection and assistance. No official may refuse an audience to the kohanim and those recognised for attaining Holy Orders. No citizen may refuse hospitality to these kohanim. No person, who has been deprived of liberty in accordance with law, may refuse the command of a kohanim, provided that it is not contrary to the law of this land.
    1. The kohanim shall enjoy the assistance of authority to remove from their numbers any who practice heresy or who have refused the Covenant, whether in public or in their hearts, or whom willingly consort with daemons and other such unclean familiars. Those such as these shall not be suffered to live amongst the Community of the Realm unless they repent and it is the duty of all persons to assist the priesthood in their eradication.