Tsar Charles I

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HSH Prince Charles I
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Reign 10 February 2007 - Incumbent
Coronation 10 February 2007
Predecessor Throne Established
Heir Apparent Crown Princess Kaidyn
Royal House House of Ross
Father Sir Kevin Ross
Mother Lady Lisa (Harris) Ross

Prince Charles I (fully: His Imperial Majesty Tsar Charles I, of House Harris) is the current monarch of the Principality of Graustark, and Grand Duke of the Council of Kyberia.

On 14 March 2019, Charles became a non-residential subject of the Empire of Austenasia after founding the Austenasian Territory of Bregusland, which he administers as its Governor as Lord Charles Ross, Duke of Occidentia. He also became the Austenasian Consul in Arizona.

Early life

Charles Aelred Ross was born in the State of Arizona, United States and is the only son of former United States politician Kevin M. Ross. Charles began his interest in politics and history in the 7th grade when (attending a history lecture), his teacher informed him about the power and prestige of monarchies throughout history. Since then, he has been a firm monarchist and (self declared) amateur historian.

Micronational career

Tsar Charles began his micronational carrier in 2007 when he created/ran the Kingdom of Rosston in the playground of his primary school until it's dissolution in 2013. Following the restoration of Rosston (now renamed Phokland), he was selected as Prime Minister of the now defunct People's Republic of Phokland in December of 2017. From there he became the monarch of the Principality of Phokland, a position that later evolved into Viceroy for the Viceroyalty of Phokland then to his current position of Prince of Graustark.

Personal life

Outside of micronationalism, Ross spends the majority of his free time either researching history or running. In addition, he is a huge fan of film and enjoys watching movies either at home or at the cinema.