Parliamentary Guard

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Parliamentary Guard of Sayaffallah.

The Parliamentary Guard of Sayaffallah is responsible for the safety and security of members of the Parliament of the Nation their staff and family at work and home. In addition to this they are a quick reaction force in the capital city able to deploy at the permission of the Prime Minister.


Creation of the Parliamentary Guard

Following the Revolution of 1900 the Sultan ordered the immediate creation of the Parliamentary Guard to be pulled from the ranks of Special Forces personnel in the general Army of Sayaffallah. The order went into effect immediately and a compliment of 2,000 soldiers were stationed outside and within the Parliament of the Nation complex and provided personal security for government officials and those within the parliament building itself.

Duties & Location

General Duties

The General Duties of the Parliamentary Guard according to its charter are:

  • To Guard the Parliamentary Complex
  • Check and validate the credentials of all entering the parliamentary complex, residences of government officials and offices of parliament members
  • Provide safe transport for government officials to and from their place of work, home and office
  • Ensure the parliament remains safe and secure at all times
  • Provide security for the general public in the visitor galleries of the Parliament


The Barracks of the Parliamentary Guard located near the gates of the Parliament of the Nation complex.

The Parliamentary Guard is housed in the Parliament Barracks which is located directly outside the Parliament of the Natiosn complex. Parliamentary Guard units are required to live within the barracks as long as they are assigned to the Parliamentary Guard detail.


Training is ongoing for the Parliamentary Guards and they are trained on a variety of scenarios specific to the situations they might face in the performance of their duties. The training center is located 4 floors underground beneath the barracks and includes a complete underground driving course as well as bomb disposal training and a live fire range designed for a variety of the weapons regularly used by the guards.

In addition to this the general public is able to see the changing of the guard ceremony outside the gates of the Parliament as a new shift of guards typically 500 strong are rotated through each hours. The total manpower today of the Parliamentary Guards is 8,000 with a fluctuation to 4,000 during non session during the month of December. Guards are rotated out on a weekend basis to allow for weekend leave every other weekend depending on the shift and schedule they are on.