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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:BassaridiaForecast/doc
--------------------------------------------------------- -- Module:BassaridiaForecast -- Provides a daily forecast table for Bassaridia with: -- • PSSC date logic (Atosiel, Thalassiel, Opsitheiel) -- • Color-coded climate cells (per your table) -- • Color-coded “Today’s Weather” cells by event keywords -- • Natural disaster advisories in red if triggered -- • Checks for numeric highC -- • Wind direction & speed --------------------------------------------------------- local p = {} --------------------------------------------------------- -- 1. Calendar System --------------------------------------------------------- local function getCurrentDateInfo() local startDate = os.time({year = 1999, month = 8, day = 6}) local secondsInDay = 86400 local daysPerYear = 183 local currentTime = os.time() local totalDaysElapsed = math.floor((currentTime - startDate) / secondsInDay) local yearFraction = totalDaysElapsed / daysPerYear local psscYear = math.floor(yearFraction) local dayOfYear = math.floor((yearFraction - psscYear) * daysPerYear) + 1 return { psscYear = psscYear, dayOfYear = dayOfYear } end --------------------------------------------------------- -- 2. Determine the Season -- 1..61 => Atosiel -- 62..122 => Thalassiel -- 123..183 => Opsitheiel --------------------------------------------------------- local function getSeasonName(dayOfYear) if dayOfYear <= 61 then return "Atosiel" elseif dayOfYear <= 122 then return "Thalassiel" else return "Opsitheiel" end end --------------------------------------------------------- -- 3. Weather Events (10 per climate-season) -- (Paste your full sets of 10 events per climate-season here.) --------------------------------------------------------- local climateEvents = { -- Example partial data for demonstration: ["Humid Subtropical"] = { Atosiel = { "Morning drizzle and warm afternoon sunshine", "Mild thunderstorm building by midday", "Patchy fog at dawn, clearing toward lunch", "Light rain with sunny breaks after noon", "Gentle breezes, blossoming warmth, low humidity", "Scattered clouds with a brief shower by dusk", "Humid sunrise, comfortable high around midday", "Overcast for part of the day, mild temperatures", "Warm breezes carrying faint floral scents", "Partial sun, warm with a slight chance of rain" }, Thalassiel = { "Hot, steamy day with intense midday heat", "Tropical-like humidity, afternoon thunder possible", "Intermittent heavy downpours, muggy evenings", "High humidity and patchy thunderstorms late", "Sun-scorched morning, scattered storms by dusk", "Hazy sunshine, extremely warm all day", "Thick humidity, chance of lightning late evening", "Sticky air, short downpours in isolated spots", "Heat advisory with only brief cooling at night", "Nighttime storms lingering into early morning" }, Opsitheiel = { "Warm daytime, gentle evening breezes", "Occasional rain, otherwise mild temperatures", "Late-season warmth, scattered rain after sunset", "Cooler mornings, returning to warmth by midday", "Sparse cloud cover, tranquil weather overall", "Fog at dawn, warm midday, pleasant night", "Partial sun, comfortable humidity levels", "Evening drizzle with mild breezes", "Patchy haze, moderate warmth throughout the day", "Short-lived shower, then clearing skies" } }, -- And so on for "Oceanic," "Subpolar Oceanic," "Mediterranean (Hot Summer)," etc. } --------------------------------------------------------- -- 4. Ranges for Temperature, Humidity, Rain -- (Paste your climateTemperature table with hiMin, hiMax, etc.) --------------------------------------------------------- local climateTemperature = { -- Example partial data for demonstration: ["Humid Subtropical"] = { Atosiel = { hiMin=18, hiMax=26, loMin=10, loMax=16, humMin=60, humMax=80, crMin=20, crMax=50, rfMin=1, rfMax=10 }, Thalassiel = { hiMin=25, hiMax=34, loMin=19, loMax=24, humMin=65, humMax=90, crMin=30, crMax=70, rfMin=2, rfMax=15 }, Opsitheiel = { hiMin=20, hiMax=28, loMin=12, loMax=18, humMin=50, humMax=75, crMin=15, crMax=40, rfMin=1, rfMax=8 } }, -- And so on for your other climates... } --------------------------------------------------------- -- 5. Color-Coding "Today’s Weather" (getEventColor) --------------------------------------------------------- local function getEventColor(eventText) local textLower = eventText:lower() if textLower:find("thunder") or textLower:find("storm") then return "#FFC0C0" -- moderate pinkish-red for storms elseif textLower:find("snow") or textLower:find("sleet") or textLower:find("flurries") then return "#CCE6FF" -- moderate blue for snow elseif textLower:find("rain") or textLower:find("drizzle") or textLower:find("downpour") then return "#CCEEFF" -- soft aqua for rain elseif textLower:find("dust") or textLower:find("desert") then return "#FFFACD" -- lemon chiffon for dust elseif textLower:find("hail") then return "#E0FFFF" -- light cyan for hail else return "#F8F8F8" -- default light gray end end --------------------------------------------------------- -- 6. Color-Code Climate Cells from your table -- e.g. if spelled-out name is "Humid Subtropical," color #FFE4C4 --------------------------------------------------------- local function getClimateBGColor(climateName) local map = { ["Humid Subtropical"] = "#FFE4C4", -- Cfa ["Oceanic"] = "#CCE5FF", -- Cfb ["Subpolar Oceanic"] = "#CCFFFF", -- Cfc ["Mediterranean (Hot Summer)"]= "#FFE4C4", -- Csa ["Hot Steppe"] = "#FFDFAF", -- BSh ["Hot Desert"] = "#FFD1DC", -- BWh ["Cold Steppe"] = "#FFECB3", -- BSk ["Subarctic"] = "#CAB3FF" -- Dfc } return map[climateName] or "#F8F8F8" end --------------------------------------------------------- -- 7. Disaster Profiles --------------------------------------------------------- local cityDisasterProfiles = { ["Vaeringheim"] = {"flood", "heatwave", "thunderstorm"}, ["Luminaria"] = {"flood", "landslide"}, -- ... etc. (Paste your entire cityDisasterProfiles table here) } --------------------------------------------------------- -- 8. Advisory Logic (red if triggered) --------------------------------------------------------- local function getDisasterAdvisory(cityName, eventText, chanceOfRain, predictedRain, highC) local disasterList = cityDisasterProfiles[cityName] or {} local textLower = eventText:lower() local advisories = {} for _, disasterType in ipairs(disasterList) do if disasterType == "flood" then if chanceOfRain > 60 or textLower:find("heavy downpours") then table.insert(advisories, "Flood Advisory") end elseif disasterType == "heatwave" then if type(highC) == "number" and highC >= 32 then table.insert(advisories, "Heatwave Warning") end elseif disasterType == "thunderstorm" then if textLower:find("thunder") or textLower:find("storm") then table.insert(advisories, "Thunderstorm Alert") end elseif disasterType == "snowstorm" then if textLower:find("snow") or textLower:find("sleet") then table.insert(advisories, "Snowstorm Warning") end elseif disasterType == "landslide" then if chanceOfRain > 50 or textLower:find("heavy rain") or textLower:find("thunderstorm") then table.insert(advisories, "Landslide Risk") end elseif disasterType == "forest fire" then if textLower:find("hot") or chanceOfRain < 10 then table.insert(advisories, "Forest Fire Risk") end elseif disasterType == "drought" then if chanceOfRain < 5 then table.insert(advisories, "Drought Alert") end elseif disasterType == "blizzard" then if textLower:find("snow") or textLower:find("flurries") then table.insert(advisories, "Blizzard Warning") end elseif disasterType == "dust storm" then if textLower:find("dust") then table.insert(advisories, "Dust Storm Advisory") end elseif disasterType == "coastal storm" then if textLower:find("storm") then table.insert(advisories, "Coastal Storm Alert") end end end if #advisories == 0 then return "No Advisory" else return table.concat(advisories, "; ") end end --------------------------------------------------------- -- 9. Random Weather Stats (wind direction, speed) --------------------------------------------------------- local windDirections = {"N", "NE", "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W", "NW"} local function getRandomWeatherStats(climate, season) local data = climateTemperature[climate] and climateTemperature[climate][season] if not data then -- Return numeric 0 to avoid comparing number with string return { highC=0, lowC=0, humidity=0, chanceOfRain=0, predictedRain=0, windDir="N/A", windSpeed=0 } end local hiC = math.random(data.hiMin, data.hiMax) local loC = math.random(data.loMin, data.loMax) local hum = math.random(data.humMin, data.humMax) local cRain = math.random(data.crMin, data.crMax) local pRain = 0 if cRain > 0 then pRain = math.random(data.rfMin, data.rfMax) end local wDir = windDirections[math.random(#windDirections)] local wSpd = math.random(0, 50) return { highC = hiC, lowC = loC, humidity = hum, chanceOfRain = cRain, predictedRain= pRain, windDir = wDir, windSpeed = wSpd } end --------------------------------------------------------- -- 10. Celsius to Fahrenheit --------------------------------------------------------- local function cToF(c) return math.floor(c * 9/5 + 32 + 0.5) end --------------------------------------------------------- -- 11. Full City List -- (Paste your entire cityData table here) --------------------------------------------------------- local cityData = { {city = "Vaeringheim", climate = "Humid Subtropical"}, {city = "Luminaria", climate = "Humid Subtropical"}, -- ... etc. for all major/minor cities... } --------------------------------------------------------- -- 12. Main Weather Forecast Table --------------------------------------------------------- function p.weatherForecast(frame) local dateInfo = getCurrentDateInfo() local dayOfYear = dateInfo.dayOfYear local yearNum = dateInfo.psscYear local seasonName= getSeasonName(dayOfYear) local out = {} table.insert(out, "== Daily Weather Forecast ==\n") table.insert(out, string.format( "''(Day %d of Year %d PSSC, %s)''\n\n", dayOfYear, yearNum, seasonName )) -- Wiki table header table.insert(out, '{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; text-align:left;"\n') table.insert(out, [[! City !! Climate !! Season !! High °C (°F) !! Low °C (°F) !! Humidity (%) !! Chance of Rain (%) !! Rainfall (mm) !! Wind Dir !! Wind Speed (km/h) !! Today's Weather !! Advisory ]] ) -- Loop over all cities for _, cityEntry in ipairs(cityData) do local cityName = local climateName = cityEntry.climate -- (A) Pick random event local cTable = climateEvents[climateName] local sTable = cTable and cTable[seasonName] local forecast = "No data" if sTable and #sTable > 0 then forecast = sTable[math.random(#sTable)] end -- (B) Color for "Today’s Weather" cell local weatherColor = getEventColor(forecast) -- (C) Random stats local stats = getRandomWeatherStats(climateName, seasonName) local hiC = stats.highC local loC = stats.lowC local hum = stats.humidity local cRain = stats.chanceOfRain local pRain = stats.predictedRain local wDir = stats.windDir local wSpd = stats.windSpeed -- Convert hiC, loC to Fahrenheit if numeric local hiF = (type(hiC)=="number") and cToF(hiC) or "N/A" local loF = (type(loC)=="number") and cToF(loC) or "N/A" -- (D) Advisory local advisory = getDisasterAdvisory( cityName, forecast, cRain, pRain, (type(hiC)=="number" and hiC or 0) ) -- Red cell if advisory != "No Advisory" local advisoryCell if advisory ~= "No Advisory" then advisoryCell = 'style="background-color:#FFBABA" | ' .. advisory else advisoryCell = advisory end -- (E) Climate cell color local climateBG = getClimateBGColor(climateName) local climateCell = string.format( 'style="background-color:%s" | %s', climateBG, climateName ) table.insert(out, "|-\n") table.insert(out, string.format( [[| %s || %s || %s || %s (%s) || %s (%s) || %s || %s || %s || %s || %s || style="background-color:%s" | %s || %s ]], cityName, climateCell, seasonName, tostring(hiC), tostring(hiF), tostring(loC), tostring(loF), tostring(hum), tostring(cRain), tostring(pRain), wDir, tostring(wSpd), weatherColor, forecast, advisoryCell )) end table.insert(out, "|}\n") return table.concat(out) end return p