Special Ministry of the Populace (Ostland)

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The Special Ministry of the Populace (Ostlandic: Sonderministerium der Bevölkerung/SmBv) is one of the two ministries created during The Reconstruction Era of Ostland to provide specialized services for the population during rebuilding efforts of the country.

Divisions of the Ministry

Populace Security Division

The Populace Security Division (Ostlandic: Sicherheitsabteilung der Bevölkerung - SB) is probably the most visible of the offices of the Special Ministry as it is tasked with all security services for keeping the population of Ostland safe from remaining and future threats from the Dispossessed, former aggressor nation combatants of the Giftunheile and any other perceived internal or external threats to the reconstruction efforts of the nation. Civilian personnel and law enforcement officers of the SB are given nationwide jurisdiction over all provinces of Ostland.