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Sovereign State fo Taeland
Official language English, Taelandisc, Hammish
Capital Ersoy
Largest cities Ersoy
Website www.freewebs.com/taeland-gov
Forum z11.invisionfree.com/hamlandgov
Number of citizens 2
Number of active citizens 1
Date founded September 28th 2006
Government Self Administered Region
Current leader King Lewis Miller I
Currency Ham-Mark
National animal Hedgehog
National fruit/food Orange
National drink Milk
Map versions ???

Taeland is a small nation founded by Nathan Cullen on the 8th of September 2006. It was started as a communist state, but changed to a monarchy when Hamland took control.


Taeland was originally a communist state, founded by President Nathan Cullen. Under his control there were several wars with Hamland and Taeland was a dictatorship.

After about a month the government was overthrown by Hamland's Monarchy. This threw the country into a civil war between the Taeland Communist Party and the Hammish and Tonarian governments. The war was eventually won by Hqmland and then a rebuilding process took place where Taeland gradually got more power over itself.

Recently Taeland became a member of the United Commonwealth. This meant that it was open to immigration and rebuilding with economic aid. The nation has gradually rebuilt itself as a democracy, but there are still several Communist groups operating in the Nation and there is also some unrest.


Taeland's government is ruled from the Taelandic Tower in Ersoy. There is no current prime minister and so the nation is run by United Commonwealth Officials.

Racist and Communist Unrest

After the Taleand civil war there was a rise in the number of attacks against Hammish and Tonarian families. There have been several campaigns to try and stop the racism.

A group called the Red Hand is trying to overthrow the Government and restore the communist dictatorship as well, this group has been the source of several attacks on civic buildings.

Places of Interest

Peace Square - Former "Cullen Square". This is the center of Ersoy and was renamed after the war. Che Palace - Named after the Communist dictator, Che Palace, the small house was where the man was born. Burial Fields - Near Tkir, this is where the dead from the civil war are buried.