Zeed Directive 7

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Zeed Directive 7

This Directive codified and clarified policy regarding the operation of commercial banks within Zeed.



Zeed Directive 7

WHEREAS Article 18 of the 1701 Armistice of Alduria City provides that, "Hostilities between the Raspur Pact and the Revolutionary Government of Rusjar shall cease from midnight, local time, on 24.IX.1701 AN" and

WHEREAS Article 1 of the 1701 Armistice of Alduria City provides that, "There shall be an immediate demobilisation of all formations and personnel associated with the Revolutionary Armed Forces and the Revolutionary Government in Rusjar"

WHEREAS Article 13 of the aforesaid Armistice provides that, "An appointed deputy of the High Representative of Trans-Euran Command shall be attached to the Revolutionary Government in Rusjar to safeguard Pact interests and to supervise the establishment of a Transitional Government" and

WHEREAS Article 16 of the aforesaid Armistice provides that, "The Revolutionary Government in Rusjar shall reconstitute as a Transitional Government that is fundamentally nationalist and humanist in its essential character" and

LET IT THEREFORE BE KNOWN that the entire governance of Zeed is now subject immediately to the absolute authority of the Raspur Pact, as personified by the High Representative and Supreme Plenipotentiary, in accordance with the laws of war and the 1701 Armistice of Alduria City

and I therefore promulgate the following:

1. Euran Savings Bank, Entrepreneurship Services Bank, the Postal Bank of the Marquessate, the Ransenar Commercial and Industrial Bank, Banca Credito Commercio Immobiliare, and Imperial & Emirati Bank of Alalehzamin and Constancia are granted universal and commercial banking licenses within Zeed.

2. The aforesaid banks shall submit an annual report to the Minister for Commercial Banking on the performance and condition of their banks, the contents of which shall remain confidential and classified information for the eyes only on the Minister for Commercial Banking, the High Representative and Supreme Plenipotentiary, and their written designees. The Minister for Commercial Banking shall submit a confidential and classified annual report to the High Representative and Supreme Plenipotentiary on the performance and condition of the Ministry.

3. This Directive takes immediate effect on the date of signature. The military governors are directed to cause the public announcement and posting of this Directive over the next ten days, as well as its immediate enforcement.

Given at the former Presidium building, Rusjar, this 6th day of the Xth month of the year 1701 AN.


See Also