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Operation Enduring Resolve

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Operation Enduring Resolve was a three-pronged military campaign ordered by Praetor Gilgamesh II in the summer of 1705 AN to secure the borders of The Hexarchy in the wake of three destabilizing incidents along their borders. This larger operation was meant to ensure the nation's economic safety, as trade flowed easily along these routes, the final conquest of the Red Sea (a prominent national goal) and connect the city of Suza with its periphery lands along the Great River and White Rivers.

Western Front

The first prong of Enduring Resolve was the invasion of so-called "West Karnak," a large coastal region in The Green that fell between Hexarchy controlled Karnak and the Dark Berry Islands. Intervening in the Dark Berry Islands civil war indirectly, the Hexarchy chose to enforce a buffer region between the rebels and their own territory, due to terrorist attacks by DBI Youth radicals that had reached as far as Amarna, a city in Karnak close to the MCS-recognized border. In reality, the operation was mostly a pretext to force a territorial expansion to the western seaboard of Keltia, a long-sought "manifest destiny" style of goal that would permanently legitimize the Praetor's leadership in the nation.

Northern Front

The second prong of the campaign was meant to secure the core regions near the Red Sea that the Hexarchy didn't yet control, that had been occupied and fortified by the nation of Liberty which, ironically, had fallen into a de facto dictatorship and a subsequent, brutal civil war. The chaos threatened the ecosystem and native populations in the Red Sea's region, so the Praetor ordered the immediate deployment of forces into the area. It took mere days to pacify the capital city and the inland fort of Fort Defiance, and before two months were out, the government had brought some 800,000 people under the central government's protection, effectively swelling the country's population by nearly 10 percent.

Eastern Front

The third and final prong of Enduring Resolve meant to address the problem of increasingly belligerent hostiles that constantly roamed the interior regions of Suza. As the natives were few in number and the vast, fertile plateau lacked any natural defense outside of government control, the Praetorian Guards units were able to move in and pacify the region with little more than regular armed patrols.

With the rapid influx of agriculture in the area and the arming of local farmers, the Praetor then ordered this unit to permanently secure the northern areas of East Bank Territory, giving orders for the unit to link controlled land territories between the New Alexandria border and the large inland sea known locally as White Sea.