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El Libertador

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El Libertador
File:File:El Libertador.png
Motto Libre, Soberana e Independiente
Formation 1668
Editor-in-Chief Julio Ruíz Zambeto

El Libertador is the most widely circulated newspaper of Gran Verionia. It was established in 1668 in Los Liberados where it quickly became the largest newspaper. In 1675, El Lib spread to the Verionian States on Keltia.

The newspaper is independently owned, and at times critical at goverment policy. As such, it is a great way for foreigners to get to know more about the nation. Reading El Lib, as the paper is colloquially known, is a tradition for most Verionians. In the morning, one can spot many on their way to work reading the paper whilst enjoying a cup of strong coffee. The frontpage article of the paper is usually discussed at length as soon as the reader has arrived at work.

Elu Miqah Verion admitted to Santa Martha Hospital

Valarion - Elu Miqah Verion was admitted to the Santa Martha Hospital on the island of Valarion yesterday afternoon. At this point, the exact conditions of his admissions are not known to this newspaper. The Elu, who turned 76 last Alboradames, had reportedly been in a frail condition following a visit to the Alrigian border, where an epidemic of Alexandrian flu was taking place. However, it seemed that the Elu was making a speedy recovery, and he was seen this week in the company of his daughter the President of the Council of Government to attent a concert. El Libertador will update its readers as soon as possible when new information is available.

George Mizarosh García, political editor

Government Junta Wins Narrow Majority in Asamblea Nacional

Puerto Arcadio - Today's elections for the Asamblea Nacional de la Republica have resulted in a victory for the Partido de Liberacion Nacional. It is the second time the party, alligned to the governing Junta, wins the election since the establishment of the democratic parliament. However, it is unlikely that Castrigo and his cabinet would have opened the champagne following these results. The PLN lost fourteen seats, and only narrowly retained their absolute majority in the Casa del Pueblo.

The mood was better in the headquarters of Cambio Democratico. The newest party of the nation won a stunning forty seats, and are now settled firmly as the main opposition party in the nation. In her victory speech, Party leader Paula Ferraro refered to "a new dawn, a dawn of change. A dawn that will soon transform this coutry into something newer, something better."

The size of the victory of Señora Ferraro and her party is surprising. The charismatic leader had previously proven to have some appeal among voters, but the amount of support for her clear, anti-government, message is nonetheless unexpected. During the last election, Matteo de Lombo claimed the anti-Junta vote but only managed to gain nine seats. The success of this critical movement in this election, which can be regarded as a referendum on the government, shows that there is a large constituency in the country that desires further democratisation.

The government, however, does not seem to be thinking about changing course. In a reaction, President Castrigo pointed out that "the stability of the Junta de Liberación Nacional safeguards the stability of the nation. It is only a unified nation that is strong in a hostile world. A divided house will not stand, and we will never allow devision to guide our national policy" . Within government circles, rumour has it, the option of abolishing the Asamblea Nacional, or transforming it into a solely advisory body, have been seriously discussed.

It is clear that this election has marked another important junction in the development of our nation. What the future will bring however, and what changes we can expect, will be clear in the near future.

Jorge Fabregas Colombo, editor