Template:Person Profile: Difference between revisions

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| colspan="2" style="background:#E6E6FA; font-size:small; text-align:center;" | '''{{{post}}}'''
| colspan="2" style="background:#E6E6FA; font-size:small; text-align:center;" | '''{{{post}}}'''
| colspan="2" style="background:#E6E6FA; font-size:small; text-align:center;" | <small>'''{{{when}}}'''</small>


Revision as of 19:24, 9 May 2017

{{{Assumed Office}}}
{{{head of state}}} {{{monarch}}}
{{{head of Government}}} {{{headofgov}}}
Preceded by {{{preceded}}}
Succeeded by {{{succeeded}}}

Born {{{dob}}}
Political Party {{{party}}}
Profession {{{profession}}}
Alma mater {{{university}}}
Signature [[{{{signature}}}|80x128px]]
[edit] [purge] Template documentation


{{Person Profile
|personsname            =
|picture                =
|post                   =
|when                   =
|Assumed Office         =
|date                   =
|head of state          =
|monarch                =
|head of Government     =
|headofgov              =
|preceded               =
|succeeded              =
|dob                    =
|place                  =
|died                   =
|died_place             =
|party                  =
|profession             =
|university             =
|signature              =