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Drafting of treaties.
Drafting of treaties.

==Treaty with Shireroth==
==Treaty of Mutual Defence between the Raspur Pact and the Democratic Federation of Sanama==
*you want the assurance that Sanama will not be a base for revolutionaries conspiring to end the decaying tyranny of Shirekeep
*i suppose recognition of each other's civil law, with the exception of any unconstitutional matters
*low tariffs on stuff, no tariffs on oil
*protection of imperial monuments, military cemeteries, etc
*However, we could maybe prosecute in Sanama for  crimes committed in Shireroth, at the request of Shireroth?
*the right of any person resident in Sanama on date XXXXXX to choose a Sanaman or Shirerithian nationality, and that Shirerithian nationals resident then shall have permanent residency rights in Sanama
**However, I could leave it open for them to waive that citizenship for a Shirerithian one.
*we can just say that you can't be both Sanaman and Shirerithian.
*Sanama of course wants recognition of our independence and borders.
*but then you have to say you have no claims on MCS-recognized Shirerithian territory
**and that you'll respect Shireroth's integrity etc blah blah
**I can even say that Sanama will never have a claim on recognised Shirerithian land, that way we include future claims as well.
*visa free 90 days per calendar year, not per trip, passport

===Article One===
The Permanent Commission of the Raspur Pact, representing in good faith the sovereign member states of the alliance, affirms that the Pact disdains any and all territorial ambitions concerning the Democratic Federation of Sanama, nor does the Pact harbour any intent towards altering the political status of Sanama.

===Article Two===
1. The Democratic Federation of Sanama ("Sanama") and the Imperial Republic of Shireroth ("Shireroth") agree that their relations shall be founded upon mutual recognition, friendship and cooperation.<br>
The Democratic Federation of Sanama, cognisant of the part played by the Raspur Pact in stabilising the Benacian continent during the events subsequent to the tragic demise of Kaiser Ayreon IV, affirms that it disdains all territorial ambitions towards the Benacian territories occupied or claimed by members of the Raspur Pact, nor does Sanama harbour any intent towards altering the political status of members of the Raspur Pact.
a. Both Parties obligate themselves to desist from any act of violence, any aggressive action, and any attack on each other, either individually or jointly with other Powers.<br>
b. Should one of the Parties become the target of belligerent action by a third Power, the other Party shall in no manner lend its support to this third Power. <br>
c. The Governments of the two Parties shall in the future maintain continual contact for the purpose of consultation to exchange information on problems affecting their common interests.<br>
d. Should disputes or conflicts arise between the Parties, neither shall participate in any grouping of Powers whatsoever that is directly or indirectly aimed at the other Party.<br>
e. Should disputes or conflicts arise between the Parties over problems of one kind or another, both Parties shall settle these disputes or conflicts exclusively through friendly exchange of opinion or, if necessary, through the establishment of arbitration commissions.

2. With regards to the territorial settlement of the Parties and their shared border, as well as territorial waters and exclusive economic areas at sea, the Parties agree to recognize the territories, borders, territorial waters and exclusive economic areas at sea as demarcated in the Schedule to this Treaty.<br>
===Article Three===
a. Both Parties grant to each other the right of navigation of commercial vessels in their respective territorial waters and exclusive economic areas at sea, subject to normal and necessary law enforcement and national security measures. Such navigation rights do not include the right to engage in commercial activities, such as but not limited to fishing, oil drilling or salvaging, in those areas.<br>
The parties to this agreement commit to resolve any dispute amongst themselves via peaceful means, through dialogue and mediation. To this end, Sanama is invited to appoint a non-voting High Representative to attend upon the deliberations of the Permanent Commission in Lindstrom, Natopia.
b. Both Parties grant to each other the right of navigation of military vessels in their respective territorial waters and exclusive economic areas at sea, subject to prior notification to the relevant authorities of any such navigation.

3. Both Parties grant the citizens of the other Party visa-free access for up to 90 days for visit or transit. Citizens are required to produce a valid passport or a national identification card issued by the state authorities specifying the nationality of the bearer.
===Article Four===
The Raspur Pact commits to uphold the territorial integrity and security of Sanama and shall provide such assistance as the Government of Sanama may request and require in the event of coming under attack, or the threat of attack, by a third party.

4. Both Parties agree to begin a process of abolishing trade barriers between the Parties, with the aim of establishing a joint free-trade area for goods. During this process as well as after, both Parties retain the right to exempt certain specified goods, industries or sectors from the free-trade area, in the interest of national security, public safety, or protectionism.  
===Article Five===
Sanama agrees that in the event of an attack, or the threat of an attack, upon the territories of a Benacian member of the Raspur Pact by a third party, it shall open its ports and airspace to the Raspur Pact for the duration of declared hostilities, and shall assemble a force from the Sanaman Federal Armed Forces to support the defence of the imperilled territories, again for the duration of declared hostilities.

5. Drak-Modan agrees to transfer sovereignty over five islands to Sanama. The transfer shall be executed by submitting a joint application to the Micronational Cartography Society. The islands are visible in the Schedule to this Treaty.<br>
===Article Six===
a. Sanama commits to protecting the cultural, linguistic, civic and political rights of all people living on the transferred islands.<br>
Nothing in this treaty shall be construed to mean that Sanama applies for or is granted membership in the Raspur Pact.
b. Drak-Modan and Sanama shall establish a joint commission to oversee the transfer of sovereignty.

6. This Treaty shall be ratified according to the constitutional processes of the Parties and enters into force upon ratification.
===Article Seven===
Sanama shall deploy a unit of staff in Benacia Command as liaison with the military chain of command of the Raspur Pact in Benacia.

7. This Treaty can be terminated by either Party by notification to the government of the other Party. The Treaty ceases to apply six months AN after such a notification.
===Article Eight===
This treaty shall come into effect upon the ratification of the parties. This treaty may be terminated by either party and shall then cease to have effect after one AN year.
==Treaty regarding Freedom of Movement between the Raspur Pact and the Democratic Federation of Sanama==
===Article One===
The citizens of the members of the Raspur Pact and the citizens of Sanama shall enjoy the following rights within the territory of the other parties:<br>
A. To enter, depart and return, without undue restrictions, for a period of 90 days.<br>
B. To reside, on the condition that the person can provide for themself and any person under their care.<br>
C. To accept and maintain employment.<br>
A treaty party may restrict the freedom of movement to protect public security, national security or public health. A general restriction is not permitted.
===Article Two===
A citizen of the Raspur Pact or of Sanama that has resided for at least five years in another treaty party, shall gain the right to permanent residency.
===Article Three===
The treaty parties shall eliminate all customs barriers between them and shall coordinate their customs policy towards other countries. No duty or charge may be levied on goods crossing the borders between the treaty parties, nor shall any taxation be imposed that is in excess of that imposed on similar domestic products.
===Article Four===
Article Three shall not be construed as a right for foreign companies to establish in Sanama without the proper authorisations and licenses. Sanama retains the right to limit or prohibit the establishment of foreign companies or businesses.

Revision as of 11:42, 16 August 2019

Drafting of treaties.

Treaty of Mutual Defence between the Raspur Pact and the Democratic Federation of Sanama

Article One

The Permanent Commission of the Raspur Pact, representing in good faith the sovereign member states of the alliance, affirms that the Pact disdains any and all territorial ambitions concerning the Democratic Federation of Sanama, nor does the Pact harbour any intent towards altering the political status of Sanama.

Article Two

The Democratic Federation of Sanama, cognisant of the part played by the Raspur Pact in stabilising the Benacian continent during the events subsequent to the tragic demise of Kaiser Ayreon IV, affirms that it disdains all territorial ambitions towards the Benacian territories occupied or claimed by members of the Raspur Pact, nor does Sanama harbour any intent towards altering the political status of members of the Raspur Pact.

Article Three

The parties to this agreement commit to resolve any dispute amongst themselves via peaceful means, through dialogue and mediation. To this end, Sanama is invited to appoint a non-voting High Representative to attend upon the deliberations of the Permanent Commission in Lindstrom, Natopia.

Article Four

The Raspur Pact commits to uphold the territorial integrity and security of Sanama and shall provide such assistance as the Government of Sanama may request and require in the event of coming under attack, or the threat of attack, by a third party.

Article Five

Sanama agrees that in the event of an attack, or the threat of an attack, upon the territories of a Benacian member of the Raspur Pact by a third party, it shall open its ports and airspace to the Raspur Pact for the duration of declared hostilities, and shall assemble a force from the Sanaman Federal Armed Forces to support the defence of the imperilled territories, again for the duration of declared hostilities.

Article Six

Nothing in this treaty shall be construed to mean that Sanama applies for or is granted membership in the Raspur Pact.

Article Seven

Sanama shall deploy a unit of staff in Benacia Command as liaison with the military chain of command of the Raspur Pact in Benacia.

Article Eight

This treaty shall come into effect upon the ratification of the parties. This treaty may be terminated by either party and shall then cease to have effect after one AN year.

Treaty regarding Freedom of Movement between the Raspur Pact and the Democratic Federation of Sanama

Article One

The citizens of the members of the Raspur Pact and the citizens of Sanama shall enjoy the following rights within the territory of the other parties:
A. To enter, depart and return, without undue restrictions, for a period of 90 days.
B. To reside, on the condition that the person can provide for themself and any person under their care.
C. To accept and maintain employment.
A treaty party may restrict the freedom of movement to protect public security, national security or public health. A general restriction is not permitted.

Article Two

A citizen of the Raspur Pact or of Sanama that has resided for at least five years in another treaty party, shall gain the right to permanent residency.

Article Three

The treaty parties shall eliminate all customs barriers between them and shall coordinate their customs policy towards other countries. No duty or charge may be levied on goods crossing the borders between the treaty parties, nor shall any taxation be imposed that is in excess of that imposed on similar domestic products.

Article Four

Article Three shall not be construed as a right for foreign companies to establish in Sanama without the proper authorisations and licenses. Sanama retains the right to limit or prohibit the establishment of foreign companies or businesses.