MicrasWiki:Featured/December, 2021: Difference between revisions

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(Giving others focus for a couple of months)
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[[File:Akbaronhorse.jpg|left|150px]] The '''''Chronicles of Akbar''''' is a narrative series written by [[Gustaaf Vermeylen]], describing the events surrounding [[Akbar I]], Sultan of [[Çakaristan]], until his accession to the throne of [[Great Apollonia]] as [[Tobu Emperor]].

The story series begins when Abu Çakar was crowned sultan as Akbar. This happened at the conclusion of the [[Sylvanian National Awakening]]. The stories give an insight into the personal lives of the sultan and the sultana, as well as the cultural developments of the Ultimate Çakar Sultanate. [[Chronicles of Akbar|More...]]

Revision as of 19:05, 13 August 2022