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== Operation Liven ==
== Operation Liven ==
{{infobox military conflict
| conflict    = Operation Liven
| image      =
| caption    =
| date        = 22.VI.1673–18.II.1674 [[shire:AN|AN]]
| place      = County of Monty Crisco
| coordinates =
| map_type    =
| latitude    =
| longitude  =
| map_size    =
| map_caption =
| map_label  =
| territory  =
| result      = Incorporation of Ankh into the Guttuli Protectorate
| status      =
| combatant1  = {{flagicon image|Flag_Guttuli_Protectorate.png}} [[Guttuli Protectorate]]
* [[Guttuli Protectorate#Guttuli Corps|Guttuli Corps]]
| combatant2  = Legion VII
| strength1  =
| strength2  =
| strength3  =
| casualties1 =
| casualties2 =
| casualties3 =
| notes      =

Begun on 22.VI.1673, Operation Liven's primary aim is the taking of the City of Ankh, secure the allegiance of rogue members of V Corps and/or neutralize their threat to the Guttuli Protectorate's northern frontier, and increase the Protectorate's socio-economic potential.
Begun on 22.VI.1673, Operation Liven's primary aim is the taking of the City of Ankh, secure the allegiance of rogue members of V Corps and/or neutralize their threat to the Guttuli Protectorate's northern frontier, and increase the Protectorate's socio-economic potential.
On 17.IX.1673, Guttuli Corps forces successfully reached the outskirts of Ankh and began an encirclement of troops located therein. Negotiations with the local commander were initiated, but cut off when a parlay was used as an opportunity to perform an ambush and attempt a breakthrough. A proper siege was initiated on 9.X.1673. While the Siege of Ankh proceeded for the next few months, additional troops were brought forward to subdue and secure the countryside and push potential relief forces further away from the siege lines.
On 15.I.1674 AN, reengaged negotiations had led to a negotiated peace: the City of Ankh would be integrated into the Guttuli Protectorate. Manfriþ bi Katbarh, the Legate at Ankh, would be granted a seat on the Protectorate Military Council -- his portfolio would include the Office for Medium Machining, which would oversee production of the BK-1A1 in Svalbarh and half the heavy industrial capacity of the City of Ankh, which would be retooled for the production of military hardware. Legion VII would enter into the Guttuli Corps and adopt Ferenta as its tutelary. On 18.II.1674 AN, Manfriþ bi Katbarh travelled to Svalbarh to be anointed at the Temple of the Radiant Sun, ritually sacrifice his former second-in-command at Ankh, who had refused to accept surrender and integration, and oversee his new portfolio holdings.


Revision as of 13:04, 6 October 2019

Operation Fanlin

Operation Fanlin
Date 2.VII.1671–23.VIII.1676 AN
Location County of Lunaris
Result Victory for the Guttuli Protectorate; integration of southern Lunaris into the Protectorate state
Guttuli Protectorate County of Lunaris
  • Erianamor Regiment
  • Honour Among Hovercats Brigade
  • Lunatic Partisans

Officially launched on 2.XII.1671 AN, with the creation of the Guttuli Protectorate, the goal of Operation Fanlin is the annexation of the County of Lunaris and the elimination of political and military resistance for the ensuing restructuring and resettlement.

First Phase (1671-1672 AN)

Second Phase (1672-1673 AN)

The Second Phase of Operation Fanlin was dominated by the campaign against the City of Erianamor, around which resistance to Protectorate control had coalesced during the end stage of the First Phase.

On 12.V.1673 AN, the City of Erianamor had fallen after a year-long campaign, climaxing with an encirclement and complete route by Legion "Aïreon". In the days after, the city and its population were subjected to the usual post-siege revelry; surviving military and civil leaders among the Lunatics were imprisoned for the remainder of the month, after which point they made the required demonstrations of submission, before they were transported to the Guttuli Protectorate/Svalbarh as a gift to the Radiant Sun.

Third Phase (1674-1676)

Upon signing its treaty with Ransenar, on 3.I.1674 AN, the Guttuli Protectorate deployed forces along the new frontier, cutting off land-based support to the remaining Lunatic partisans, who used the Eth Lune Forest as a staging ground for guerilla war against the Guttuli Corps. This last phase of Operation Fanlin ended up being the longest and most environmentally-destructive.

The Upper Coastal Campaign (1674) cut the partisans off from the coast, eliminating their last means of obtaining supplies and equipment.

The Smoking Campaign (1674-1676), consisted of denying partisans the free use of the Eth Lune Forest through a large carpet-bombing technique, using incendiary bombs to set large swaths of the forest on fire during the summer dry season.

By mid-1676 AN, two-thirds of the Eth Lune Forest had been reduced, both through the Smoking Campaign and through industrial logging campaigns, to make the forest economically useful to the Guttuli Protectorate.

On 23.VIII.1676 AN, the Protectorate Military Council declared the completion of Operation Fanlin. The remaining territory would henceforth be reorganized for resettlement by favored people and open for peacetime bandit-hunting among the remaining subjugated, under the authority of GU-Hæntz.

Operation Avan

Operation Avan
Date 9.XI.1672–ongoing AN
Location County of Caverden
Guttuli Protectorate
  • Guttuli Corps
    • Salb X "Hagraa"
    • Salb XLIX "Sefroþ"
    • Salb XLIV "Bresa"
  • Utnaræn
    • Barrowfield City Police (rebel)
    • Lichport Constabulary (rebel)
    • Lowbrook City Council
Local Militia
  • Barrowfield City Police (loyalist)
  • Lichport Constabulary (loyalist)
  • Mayor of Lowbrook, Ioan Barvan
  • Caverden Partisans
  • Laqi Villages

Launched on 9.XI.1672 AN, Operation Avan's primary goal was the extension of the western frontier region as far as the western border of southern Caverden. The target territory was split into three sectors, Lichport, Lowbrook, and Barrowfield, after the major urban centers in the region.

The Utnaræn was used to infiltrate the socio-political apparatuses of each city in the months before Operation Avan began. Upon the seizure of power, local elements of the Utnaræn and their compatriots were transferred to a new organization, GU-Kristfaln, a paramilitary formation tasked with facilitating the integration of the region into the Guttuli Protectorate.


The Chief of the Lichport Constabulary, Ui Svahlin, members of the municipal bureaucracy, and one City Councillor, Katarin Olla, were turned by the local Utnaræn action team.

Upon the initiation of Operation Avan, the Lichport Constabulary seized control of the city hall and arrested the mayor and city council (sans Kit Ollin). Infiltration of the Lichport Constabulary had been incomplete, and Deputy Chief of the Lichport Constabulary launched a counter-coup at the city hall. Chief Ui Svahlin and Councillor Ollin were killed in the fighting, but room-to-room fighting continued until the afternoon, when elements of the Guttuli Corps entered the city.

Linking with other members of the local Utnaræn action team, the Guttuli Corps successfully seized the city port and industrial center before nightfall, and cleared through central Lichport in the early evening.


Three of the five members of the Lowbrook City Council were turned by the local Utnaræn action team.

Upon the initiation of Operation Avan, City Councillors Adfri Vatlin, Łoïolf Gæsza, and Runstav Ołstuï seized control of city hall, imprisoning the other council members. Mayor of the City, Ioan Barvan, successfully escaped and began planning a counter-coup with members of the civil service and the Lowbrook Chamber of Commerce when units of the Guttuli Corps arrived.

The three surviving city councillors were commissioned as tribunes in GU-Kristfaln and assigned with the task of governing the Lowbrook Sector.


The Deputy Chief of the Barrowfield City Police and members of the municipal bureaucracy were turned by the local Utnaræn action team.

Upon the initiation of Operation Avan, the city government successfully resisted the coup attempt and, with much loss of life, the leaders of the coup attempt were executed. Martial law was declared and a makeshift militia formed to defend the city against advance units of the Guttuli Corps.

Skirmishes throughout the night established the beginnings of a front line. As secondary units arrived on scene, they were deployed to encircle the city. On 15.XI.1672 AN, the Guttuli Corps began bombarding Barrowfield's city center and pushing the front line inward.

Surviving members of the Utnaræn sabotaged the city's power and communications grid in the predawn hours of 17.XI.1672 AN. In the ensuing chaos, the outer defensive perimeter was routed and Guttuli Corps troops entered the city center.

Operation Liven

Operation Liven
Date 22.VI.1673–18.II.1674 AN
Location County of Monty Crisco
Result Incorporation of Ankh into the Guttuli Protectorate
Guttuli Protectorate Legion VII

Begun on 22.VI.1673, Operation Liven's primary aim is the taking of the City of Ankh, secure the allegiance of rogue members of V Corps and/or neutralize their threat to the Guttuli Protectorate's northern frontier, and increase the Protectorate's socio-economic potential.

On 17.IX.1673, Guttuli Corps forces successfully reached the outskirts of Ankh and began an encirclement of troops located therein. Negotiations with the local commander were initiated, but cut off when a parlay was used as an opportunity to perform an ambush and attempt a breakthrough. A proper siege was initiated on 9.X.1673. While the Siege of Ankh proceeded for the next few months, additional troops were brought forward to subdue and secure the countryside and push potential relief forces further away from the siege lines.

On 15.I.1674 AN, reengaged negotiations had led to a negotiated peace: the City of Ankh would be integrated into the Guttuli Protectorate. Manfriþ bi Katbarh, the Legate at Ankh, would be granted a seat on the Protectorate Military Council -- his portfolio would include the Office for Medium Machining, which would oversee production of the BK-1A1 in Svalbarh and half the heavy industrial capacity of the City of Ankh, which would be retooled for the production of military hardware. Legion VII would enter into the Guttuli Corps and adopt Ferenta as its tutelary. On 18.II.1674 AN, Manfriþ bi Katbarh travelled to Svalbarh to be anointed at the Temple of the Radiant Sun, ritually sacrifice his former second-in-command at Ankh, who had refused to accept surrender and integration, and oversee his new portfolio holdings.