SNARL Charter

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I. Organization

A. A League Commissioner will preside over the League and its events.

B. The Commissioner will be elected democratically by the Members of the League every six months.

C. The Members of the League will be those nations that have participated in a League sponsored recwar in a civil and cooperative way. The Commissioner will decide which examples of cooperation in League sponsored recwars were or were not civil and cooperative. Each Member will delegate one representative to vote in League matters.

D. Impeachment of a Commissioner, removal of a Member, or amendments to this charter may all be done by a majority vote. Parts II, III and IV of the Charter may be amended by the Commissioner alone if needed.

II. Politics

A. Any Member who can provide two opposing sides may submit a declaration of war to the League. Wars will be provided with their own forums as soon as possible.

B. Declarations of war must contain the fictional parameters of the war, such as what technology level is allowed, whether or not to allow magic, whether or not to allow nuclear weapons, and any modifications to standard League rules. They must also contain an end date.

C. A declaration of war must also contain acceptable outcomes in terms of real assets lost or gained. Nations can choose to engage in League wars without any actual results or can choose to gamble territory, currency, or some other incentive upon the outcome.

D. Belligerent parties can include nations, organizations, and individuals. Once a war has started, no new belligerent party may join except at the invitation of a belligerent party already participating.

E. Once a nation is involved in a war, it cannot leave the war until it has signed a peace treaty with every nation it was formerly at war with, either separately or all together. The peace treaty may have any terms that the parties negotiating will agree upon. Non-national belligerent parties may leave the war whenever they wish.

F. At any time, a nation that wants to leave the war can surrender, in which case they lose everything they offered in Step C but are considered at peace with the opposing nations. At any time past the end-date of a war, if the war is still going on a nation that wants to leave it can ask the Commissioner for a force peace, in which the Commissioner drafts what he considers a fair peace treaty based on the progress of the war thus far and forces both parties to sign it. No force peace will take more from either side than they offered in Step C.

G. When all nations have made peace with each other, or when the conflict has become inactive, the war is considered closed.

III. Forces

A. The basic division of military strength is the unit. One real person equals one military unit.

B. A unit has a strength equivalent to 25,000 soldiers, 5 battleships, or 25 planes. Players are encouraged to have creative unit compositions, but units keep this basic strength no matter what their composition is. For example, a player could have 5,000 well trained soldiers backed up by a group of tanks - with a strength still equal to 25,000 normal soldiers. Barring other variables to be discussed below, all units start with equal strength.

C. Foot soldiers can move about 50 pixels on the MCS map per real time day, perhaps a hundred if you push them. Boats can move about five hundred pixels a day. Planes move instantaneously but cannot move far from a base - either a friendly city or a carrier.

D. Each unit should generally have one post per day, giving opponents a full day to react to any actions. It is much more permissible to multiple posts per day dealing with backstory than to have a unit perform multiple actions per day.

E. Land units are assumed to always have sea transport available from friendly cities. These transports can move them overseas to the theater of conflict, although of course they can only go as close as the nearest port. They are not assumed to have free transport from anywhere that is not a friendly city - a player with a naval force must take care of that. No transports can pass through an area controlled by an enemy navy without escort unless they want to risk being sunk.

F. Units should clearly state any exceptional capabilities at the beginning of combat so there is no temptation to do something dodgy like claim a unit has paradrop capabilities when you really need to get behind enemy lines. If a unit wants to have certain surprise abilities that the enemy does not know about, they must get the Commissioner's approval as close as possible to the beginning of combat and BEFORE the abilities are used.

G. Two people can pool their units into a larger army if they agree on who has control of the group and can post for it. However, at all times each unit must correspond to a person who has posted at some point in the last three days - no creating a unit, giving it to your friend, and then leaving. If a person spends too long absent from the war, their unit is considered to have deserted (although it will mysteriously come together again if the person returns). Any unit that does not have any orders will automatically defend itself if attacked but do nothing else.

H. Actions can be made in secret only if there is a legitimate in-game reason and it makes sense. A wing of stealth planes can presumably attack in secret - an army of 100,000 men can probably not secretly march across populated enemy territory. Secret actions can either be revealed overtly with a disclaimer that they are secret and the enemy should not know about them (such as sending a wing of stealth planes to a hidden base) or, if there is too much of a temptation for the enemy to respond, can be told to the Commissioner only without a corresponding post (for example, if you are getting guerillas in position to attack an enemy city and don't want the enemy to send defenders there).

IV. Battles

A. A battle occurs when any unit or group of units attacks any other unit or group of units.

B. The goal of the League is to have the outcome of all battles decided by mutual consent of the two parties involved without the League itself interfering, although the League realizes this might not always be possible.

C. The variables that might decide battles beyond sheer manpower (shippower? planepower?) are terrain, backstory, and gold stars.

D. Rough or high terrain tends to favor defenders and more experienced troops. Familiar terrain confers some advantage, as does settled terrain where the people support your side.

E. Backstory can affect combat - for example, if a unit is exhausted, or has low morale, it might do worse in a fight, whereas if they are desperately fighting for their homes and families under a charismatic leader, that might help them.

F. Gold stars are awarded by the Commissioner or by any other people who he or the belligerent parties by mutual agreement empower to award them. They are given as a reward for literary and strategic merit, and each one increases the power of the unit wearing it by 50% of base.

V. Miscellaneous

A. The League is intended primarily to have fun, improve literary and tactical skills, and to build micronational patriotism. Anyone caught taking the wars too seriously or trying to win at all costs will be reprimanded, banned, or disliked.

Obsolete, See: Anunia Convention