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Government Code of Conduct

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Seal of the Government of Nouvelle Alexandrie

The Governmental Code of Conduct (Martino: "Código de Conducta Gubernamental") is a series of regulations from the Presidential Office of Nouvelle Alexandrie, governing the ethical conduct of government ministers, civil servants, and other governmental officials. It consists of three separate codes of conduct, overseen by one of the independent agencies of the President:

  • The Executive Appointments Standards, held by the namesake Office, governs the qualifications of applicants for ministerial, civil service, and other government positions.
  • The Ministerial Code of Conduct, held by the Committee of Ethics in Government, governs the conduct of ministers and maintenance of ethics in public administration.
  • The Lobbyist and Consultants Registrar Regulations, held by the namesake Office, governs the requirements of lobbyists and consultants on transparency and accountability in government engagement.

Executive Appointments Standards

This code of conduct outlines the ethical principles and professional standards that OEAS members must uphold to ensure transparency, fairness, and objectivity in the appointment process.

Core Values

  • Merit: All appointments should be based on merit and qualifications, not favoritism, political affiliation, or other extraneous factors.
  • Integrity: OEAS members must maintain the highest standards of integrity and avoid any conflicts of interest.
  • Objectivity: Evaluations of candidates should be based on a fair and objective assessment of their qualifications against established criteria.
  • Confidentiality: All information about applicants, including deliberations of the OEAS, must be kept confidential.
  • Transparency: The OEAS should operate in a transparent manner, with clear procedures and publicly available information about its activities.

Standards of Conduct

  • Conflicts of Interest: Applicants must disclose any potential conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from deliberations involving such conflicts.
  • Confidentiality: Applicants must not disclose confidential information about applicants or the deliberations of the OEAS.
  • Gifts and Hospitality: Applicants must not accept gifts or hospitality that could be perceived as influencing their judgment.
  • Professionalism: Applicants must conduct themselves with professionalism and courtesy in all interactions with applicants, colleagues, and the public.
  • Continuing Education: Applicants should stay informed about best practices in executive selection and relevant laws and regulations.


  • Self-Reporting: Members are responsible for reporting any potential violations of this code of conduct.
  • Investigation: A designated body within the OEAS will investigate reported violations.
  • Sanctions: Depending on the severity of the violation, sanctions may include reprimand, suspension, or removal from office.

Ministerial Code of Conduct

This Ministerial Code of Conduct outlines the principles and expectations for all Secretaries and the President to ensure the highest standards of conduct and public trust.

Core Values

  • Selflessness: Ministers must place the public interest above personal gain.
  • Integrity: Ministers must be honest, truthful, and avoid conflicts of interest.
  • Objectivity: Decisions must be based on objective evidence and sound reasoning, not personal interests or political pressures.
  • Accountability: Ministers are accountable to the Cortes and the public for their actions and decisions.
  • Openness: Ministers should be transparent in their decision-making processes, subject to national security considerations.
  • Honesty: Ministers must be truthful in their dealings with the Cortes and the public.
  • Leadership by Example: Ministers must set a high standard of conduct for all government officials.

Specific Expectations

  • Conflicts of Interest: Ministers must declare all potential conflicts of interest and take steps to recuse themselves from decisions where a conflict arises.
  • Private Business Interests: Ministers should not engage in business activities that could conflict with their public duties.
  • Use of Public Resources: Public resources, including staff time and government property, must be used for official purposes only.
  • Gifts and Hospitality: Ministers must avoid accepting gifts or hospitality that could reasonably be seen as influencing their judgment.
  • Media Relations: Ministers should communicate government policy accurately and with respect for the public.
  • Relationships with Civil Servants: Ministers must treat civil servants with respect and professionalism.


  • Self-Reporting: Ministers are responsible for reporting any potential violations of this code to the CEG.
  • Investigation: The CEG will investigate reported violations.
  • Sanctions: Depending on the severity of the violation, sanctions may include:
    • Requirement to apologize publicly
    • Loss of ministerial responsibilities
    • Resignation from the government
    • Referral to law enforcement for criminal offenses

Lobbyist and Consultants Registrar Regulations

This code of conduct establishes ethical standards for all lobbyists and consultants engaging with the government and legislative branch of Nouvelle Alexandrie.

Core Values

  • Transparency: Lobbyists and consultants must be transparent about their activities and the clients they represent.
  • Accuracy: All communications with government officials must be accurate and truthful.
  • Fairness: Interactions with government officials must be conducted in a fair and professional manner.
  • Conflict of Interest: Lobbyists and consultants must avoid conflicts of interest and disclose any potential conflicts to government officials they contact.
  • Compliance with Law: All lobbying activities must comply with applicable laws and regulations.

Specific Expectations

  • Registration: All lobbyists and consultants must register publicly with the OLCR before engaging in any lobbying activity.
  • Disclosure: Lobbyists must disclose information about their clients, compensation, and lobbying activities, as outlined by the OLCR regulations.
  • Identification: Lobbyists must identify themselves and their clients when communicating with government officials.
  • Restrictions: Lobbyists and consultants are prohibited from offering gifts or gratuities to government officials that could be perceived as influencing their decisions.
  • Ex parte Communication: Lobbyists and consultants must disclose all ex parte (one-sided) communication with government officials on legislative matters.


  • Complaints: Citizens and government officials can file complaints with the OLCR alleging violations of this code.
  • Investigation: The OLCR will investigate complaints and may hold hearings to gather evidence.
  • Sanctions: Depending on the severity of the violation, sanctions may include:
    • Public censure
    • Fines
    • Suspension or revocation of registration
    • Referral to law enforcement for criminal offenses

See also