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Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 3:44 pm
by DukeGreyhammer
dr-spangle wrote:character: NB air vice general

When the eurofighters got within 300 miles of the trucks they fired off eight lazer guided cruise missiles each, from their great height and because of the great distance between them and the trucks they were still relatively from any hand held ground based weapons. After firing off the missiles the eurofighters pulled up into a vertical climb to their maximum height before they turned and headed home.
Sir, I do believe you just destroyed our convoy... :(

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 3:45 pm
by Lyam conDoin
OOC: that's not us, Grey. That's Nova England. I don't think they'd have a reason to destroy our convoy.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 3:47 pm
by DukeGreyhammer
OOC: I thought it was our convoy... My bad.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:31 pm
by kingj
Its highly unlikely that a hand held EMP device (which is by the way a weapon of mass destuction) could A) even know where the missiles were coming from B) be able to take out a single one of them considering it would need to explode at the exact mili-second before the missile passes and c) the missiles would carry on forward even if the engines did cut out.

Edit: AND anyone stood within 50m of the missiles explosion would be killed or injured

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:57 pm
by Tatiana
As news of the attack on the Nova English convoy came in, 3 MLVs, 3 MBTs and 2 BUMVEEs were immediately dispatched to the area. They would secure the area, and bring the Nova English delivery back to Riponian-controlled territory.

Lieutenant Jon Lord hopped out of his Bumvee as he arrived at the convoy, and strolled towards the Nova English Sergeant Major. "Good evening," he said, "I believe you have a delivery for us?"

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:59 pm
by kingjoe
kingj wrote:Its highly unlikely that a hand held EMP device (which is by the way a weapon of mass destuction) could A) even know where the missiles were coming from B) be able to take out a single one of them considering it would need to explode at the exact mili-second before the missile passes and c) the missiles would carry on forward even if the engines did cut out.

A) As said in a previous post he had a radar unit that would most likely pick them up if not a radar unit from futher north would pick up 8 cruise missiles, Also the noice is a bit of a give away.

B) Its just about luck if you get it right because the EMP would fry any eletrical conponent in its range. Hence why Sargeant Major Marcus needed to get new trucks ready for after he fired the weapon.

C) Although the engine would be completly cut out the war head would be deactivated due to it's curcitry being fryed.

Now if you wish I will increase the amount of cruise missiles that survived but I highly dought that in reaf life a cruise missile that has magicly be laser designated from '300 miles' away would happen Maybe with satilite technolagy but not many satilites are going to be tasked for finding Chocolate vans. Also the device is NOT a Weapon of mass distruction as for starters it dosn't leave too much destruction. And secondly it works just like a stringer but rather than firing a normal projectial it launches a EMP devices which is effective for one kilometer.

Now my turn for some questions:

1) How did you manage to get a laser guide on a object hidden "300 miles"
2) The attack against your ships was never answered thus meaning Stormark has the rights of the 24 hour rule.
3) How were you able to know about a tiny convoy carrying assortied items of non-military value. I wouldn't think may commanders would fork out money to distroy the equivilent of a Cadburys lorry.

Also if you wish to take this to Vehendi I don't mind and If he proves me wrong that is fair enough......

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:02 pm
by Pete
take it to the adjudication thread

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:27 am
by kingj
kingjoe wrote:OOC:
kingj wrote:Its highly unlikely that a hand held EMP device (which is by the way a weapon of mass destuction) could A) even know where the missiles were coming from B) be able to take out a single one of them considering it would need to explode at the exact mili-second before the missile passes and c) the missiles would carry on forward even if the engines did cut out.

A) As said in a previous post he had a radar unit that would most likely pick them up if not a radar unit from futher north would pick up 8 cruise missiles, Also the noice is a bit of a give away.

B) Its just about luck if you get it right because the EMP would fry any eletrical conponent in its range. Hence why Sargeant Major Marcus needed to get new trucks ready for after he fired the weapon.

C) Although the engine would be completly cut out the war head would be deactivated due to it's curcitry being fryed.

Now if you wish I will increase the amount of cruise missiles that survived but I highly dought that in reaf life a cruise missile that has magicly be laser designated from '300 miles' away would happen Maybe with satilite technolagy but not many satilites are going to be tasked for finding Chocolate vans. Also the device is NOT a Weapon of mass distruction as for starters it dosn't leave too much destruction. And secondly it works just like a stringer but rather than firing a normal projectial it launches a EMP devices which is effective for one kilometer.

Now my turn for some questions:

1) How did you manage to get a laser guide on a object hidden "300 miles"
2) The attack against your ships was never answered thus meaning Stormark has the rights of the 24 hour rule.
3) How were you able to know about a tiny convoy carrying assortied items of non-military value. I wouldn't think may commanders would fork out money to distroy the equivilent of a Cadburys lorry.

Also if you wish to take this to Vehendi I don't mind and If he proves me wrong that is fair enough......
1) A cruise missile can hit a house from 1000 miles away so a lorry from 300 miles away shouldnt be to much of a problem.

2) Stormarks attack wasnt valid at the time of my reply because their participation had not been approved when they launched it.

3) Satelite photos could show a bunch of lorries driving accross open countryside on a main road, and for all you know we could have spies there. Your commanders may not want to spend large sums of money on destroying cadbury's lorries but mine are a different matter.

If you're going to play the EMP game you may as well just blow one up that'll cut out all the electronic devices in the whole islands. And a cruise missile does travel quite quickly you know, the chances of him being able to act in the milli-second between the missile coming into hearing distance and it hitting him were very low. And you say the missile wouldnt explode if the emp destroyed the circuits:

explosive materials + fuel explosion on impact= bang

oh and it was 16 cruise missiles

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:02 pm
by kingjoe
No at the time Spangle posted it was 8, also as Pete said if you wish to carry on this arguement take it to the appropriate thread.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 1:53 pm
by kingj
It was eight EACH