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Matbaic Terretorial Expansion

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 8:02 am
by Zatriarch Maximillideus
Dear All,
Since the last map update, we've gained several new citizens, such as Yohann Et Izo Sarwa, Philoxenos Shaya Iwas, and Massoud Zakka Iwas.
This means our forum activity has increased greatly.
As such, may I ask if an expansion such as this one would be OK?
This expansion gives us access to both Shores of Cibola and gets rid of the strange no-mans' land between Matbaa and Monovia as well as the unnoccupied part of Mar Saba.
I have also added provincial names to all of the regions for the next map.
I hope this claim is acceptable.
H.H Abbot Zatriarch Maximillideus I

P.S Who does the city of Birka belong to, and why is marked in unclaimed territory?

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 2:47 pm
by Ryan
I don't see a problem with the claim. It's small enough.

As for Birka. I haven't got a bloody clue! It looks like a fluke in the map....

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 5:36 pm
by sovereignvikingemperor
Before the Atkins Reduction Birka belonged to Treisenberg.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:13 am
by dr-spangle
looking through the old maps, cities used to stay a while after their country had died...

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 2:13 pm
by Zatriarch Maximillideus
Oh well. I'll just Syraicify Birka and keep it as a Matbaic city.
I know I may be pushing it a bit here, but is there a possibility I could claim a smidgen more land? :lol:

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 8:38 pm
by Ryan
Pushing it?

Remember that random events idea I had?

Do you want an Bamian-esque earthquake?

I thought not. :P

And I'll remove Birka entirely.

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 4:10 am
by Zatriarch Maximillideus
Do you think I could add a tiny bit more land and another three cities? :(

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 9:18 am
by Zatriarch Maximillideus
Right- here is the final MCS claim including the new provinces, cities, and the new province added under the expansion agreement we had with Alexandria. I hope it's OK.

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:47 am
by Emperor Edgard II
The expansion agreement has been withdrawn today by myself. Alexandria will be filing a new claim soon.

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 4:27 pm
by Zatriarch Maximillideus
Umm.. Ryan? :(
Do you think I'd be able to add the two biggest islands from the old Aerlig Archipelago to the Matbaic claim?

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 6:02 pm
by Ryan
As far as I know the image in the original post is the approved claim. You have access to the central sea of Cibola, the "Gold Sea".

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 3:36 am
by Zatriarch Maximillideus
OK, we'll leave the above as our original claim and expand some more later.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:03 am
by Zatriarch Maximillideus
No, actually.
Having seen the size of Oscland and Monovia's claims, I believe Matbaa should merit a bit more land. With your permission I'd like to claim the islands formerly under Aerlig's control known as Maraguo and Nelaga. I think that seems fair.


Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:01 pm
by lovelygirly
Yes, Monovia, Matbaa, and Oscland are extremely active and deserve a fair amount of land.

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:25 am
by Vehendi
Perhaps you could wait a bit, you've just had an expansion, even if ti wasn't what you wanted. In some weeks you'll be perhaps able to claim much more. Editing the maps because of whims isn't really pleasant, you know.

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:28 am
by Monoviagov
Vehendi wrote:Perhaps you could wait a bit, you've just had an expansion, even if ti wasn't what you wanted. In some weeks you'll be perhaps able to claim much more. Editing the maps because of whims isn't really pleasant, you know.
Well do you think Monovia's expansion will be approved or do you think it is too much?

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 10:37 am
by Direzione
I think you it will be fine.. if there is uncertainty I'll sponser for a waiver


Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:21 am
by Monoviagov
Thank you.

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 7:08 pm
by Ryan
Pick one of those islands, Max. And that's it.

Waiver or no waiver.

And I'm going to issue a warning now that if this waiver business gets out of hand as a loophole to bypass the staff, I will eliminate it. It's mean't to be used as a tool of community support for exceptional circumstance, not abuse and not for everyday claims.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:40 am
by Zatriarch Maximillideus
I thankee, Ryan :D
Maragua shall be the one island to add to our claim, thankyou.

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 10:46 am
by Zatriarch Maximillideus
May I just draw to your attention, Ladies and Gentlemen of this most esteemed Cartographic Society for Internet Micronations, that the Zatriarchate now has another citizen? Yes, that's right. His name is Sfeir Afudyakno, known more commonly to you as Colonel Wilhelm Von Benkern. Anyway, would it be possible to claim a small (I'm talking small here) colony on the Western coast of Novasolum, just south of Gotzborg?
Thankyou :lol:
The Zatriarch