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Terms of Service

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 11:54 am
by Bill3000

All members of the Micronational Cartography Society (MCS) are bound by these Terms of Service, henceforth referred to as the TOS. All members, staff and visitors should be aware of and have read these terms. By using the services of the MCS, participating in its discussions, or holding open dialouge with the society, you agree to respect this TOS. Choosing to disrespect these terms may result in a partial or permanent suspension of our services.

Rights and Responsibilities of Members

1. Full members of the MCS aquire the right, for the duration of their membership, to the full use of the MCS maps within their respective micronations. This includes place names and abstract details.

2. It is the responsibility of all member nations to maintain contact and communication with the MCS via the community forums or by e-mail. The more frequent the contact, the better the MCS can serve you.

3. Members maintain the right to terminate their membership at any time. Proper notice should be given to the MCS staff in the event of such a termination.

4. Member nations have the right to use the respective resources of which reside in their borders as determined by the resource map. In general, the map only denotes large amounts of particular resources and any nation may find ready access to all resources if necessary.

5. Names on the topographical map may not be changed, and may be used by the micronations which occupy a particular territory. Variants can be used, although they will not be endorsed as official by the MCS.

6. Members agree to not involve the MCS in territorial disputes or political disagreements. If a dispute arises, it is up to the parties involved to solve their issues outside of the MCS community.

7. Members agree to represent themselves with proper etiquette, grammar and respect, as would be expected of in any normal government office.

8. Members agree to provide honest and reliable information, statistics and any other requested data to the MCS. The MCS is bound to respect the privacy of any material deemed as such.

Rights and Responsibilities of the MCS

1. The MCS reserves the right to grant, revoke or modify any claims of its members, provided proper notification is given prior to such changes. The MCS will not abuse this right, but will reserve it for special situations (i.e. Menelmacar).

2. The MCS reserves the right to revoke membership based upon activity levels determined by a review of the involved nation.

3. The MCS reserves the right to modify these terms at its own discretion as is deemed necessary. It is, however, the responsibility of the MCS to notify all members of such changes.

4. It is the responsibility of the MCS to provide unbiased and equal service to all its members.

5. It is the responsibility of the MCS to note any territorial disputes lodged with the society.

6. The MCS reserves the right to modify official policy and make ammendments, wherever and whenever it is deemed necessary. Proper notification must be given to members when these changes are made.

7. The MCS reserves the right to overrule popular opinion, poll general opinion, or allow open discussion, on various topics effecting the society.


1. The name Micras is an officially sponsored aesthetic to the MCS map and may be used, or not used, by members of the society at their own discretion. Members are also allowed to use variants (i.e. Midgard) as per their particular needs.

2. Members of the MCS may not join another micronational cartographic society, unless it is sponsored by us [the MCS]. If you choose to rank your micronation as a member of the MCS, then that must be the sole source of maps for your country (other than locally produced maps, such as abstracts and aesthetics).

3. Members may not found or establish a rival cartographic group (one that mirrors the function of the MCS that is) unless permission is granted by the MCS.

4. The MCS is an apolitical organisation not located in any particular host nation or other situation which may compromise the neutrality of the society.

5. Slander against the MCS may result in a suspension or full revocation of membership.

6. Members may not make extraterrestrial or eccentric claims on bodies (planets) other than Micras, or unless an extenuating circumstance dictates the need for such a claim (i.e. Zarahemla). Such an extenuating circumstance will be determined on a case-by-case basis by the MCS.

7. The topographical/physical map and resource map are static and do not change. Only the boundaries, names and other markings on the political map change on a regular basis.


1. The MCS name, logo, maps and all materials produced by the society, including but not limited to, aesthetic materials and official productions, are the sole property of the MCS.

2. Reproduction of any MCS material without the permission of the society, or for a purpose other than personal use (limited to members), is strictly prohibited.

3. Members agree to use the services of the MCS and be placed on the MCS maps under the sole condition that they respect these services and recognize the ownership of these maps by the society.

4. As of the second quarter of 2005, the MCS and its maps are copyrighted under US international copyright law. Filed in the state of Massachusetts and registered with the federal government. As such, the MCS and its maps are subject to all copyright laws that apply therein.

5. The MCS is owned and operated by Ryan Caruso of the United States of America. All inquiries regarding copyright and/or ownership of the MCS should be directed to him via private channels (private message or e-mail to augustinbarbone[at]aol[dot]com).

6. The MCS does not claim ownership over the variant names, member's names, or other property that is hosted by the society. This material is recognized as the intellectual property of its respective creator(s).