New Kampongese Boards:

General discussion and chat forum for the MCS. Discuss anything about the maps or chat with other members here.
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St. Fenix
Posts: 810
Joined: Wed Apr 05, 2006 4:52 pm
Location: Artursburg, Wachensburg

New Kampongese Boards:

Post by St. Fenix »

Greetings Foreign comrades,

After Dealing with the recent troubles in Kampong which involved our Founder gone Spammer, Kampong has finally made the complete switch from its old forums to the new forums located here:

Please Update all of your bookmarks,

For all those nations that already have relations with us, please note that your embassies and all documents signed between us will now be dealt with on the new forum.

Thanks once again for all the foreign support in our time of need, it has been far more then any Kampongese citizen or even Kampong could ask for.

-St. Fenix
-Chairman of Kampong
Only True Socialism can prevail...