Kampongese Claims

Claims which have been announced and added to the map
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St. Fenix
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Kampongese Claims

Post by St. Fenix »

Name & Title: St. Fenix (James Richter)
-Chairman of Kampong

E-Mail/Contact: Daystar999964@aol.com, Or my AIM account of the same name.

Nation: The Democratic Republic of Kampong

Our Flag:

No. of Citizens: 3

MN URL: http://s12.invisionfree.com/kampong/index.php?act=idx

Claim: Kampong has finally decided to claim land on the MCS our spot of choice is the Spot previously held by the Shirerethian province of Lothlaria, specifically Velouria. Kampong is older then three months, we being founded March 27th 2006.

Notes: I am including this data for reference, and as Kampong's blessing of the agreements in the Xinguese Thread.

I thank you all for the time.

-St. Fenix