Politics of Gerenia

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The politics of Gerenia take place in a framework of a federal parliamentary representative democratic republic, with a President as the head of government. Executive power is exercised by the governments, both local and federal. Federal legislative power is vested in both the government and the two chambers of Parliament, the National Assembly and the Higher Assembly. Since the foundation of Gerenia the political landscape has been largely dominated by the centre-left Independent Party of Gerenia.

The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature. There are courts at district level, but not at a provincial level.


Gerenia's constitution characterizes the republic as a federation consisting on provinces, autonomous republics and dependencies. Gerenia, as well as its subdivisions have written constitutions defining them to be republican entities governed in accordance with the principles of representative democracy.

Executive branch

Gerenia's head of state is the President (Brežagtör), elected by popular vote for a term of two years and with unlimited consecutive terms of office.


The republic's cabinet consists of a number of ministers appointed by the President. The cabinet is answerable to the Parliament and can be forced to resign by a motion of no confidence.

Legislative branch

Main article: Parliament of Gerenia

The Parliament of Gerenia (Aiŷlat) consists of two chambers. The National Assembly (Snirenetoles) has 103 members, elected for a two-year term by proportional representation.

The Higher Assembly (Snireribes) has 31 members, 3 per province and 1 per autonomous republic, elected for a two-year term. The Higher Assembly has less powers than the National Assembly, but still their approval is needed in order to sanction most of the laws.

Political parties

The main political party is the Independent Party of Gerenia, founded in 2012 by Gerald Ruze, later President of Gerenia. The Independent Party has won every general and parliamentary election since 2012, and as of July 2018 it holds 70 of the 103 seats of the National Assembly, and 21 of the 31 seats of the Higher Assembly. 7 of the 11 provincial/republic governors are members of this party, as well.

Other parties in Gerenia are: the Socialist Party, the Popular Party, the Hope Party (the three being usually referred to as the "traditional" parties, because they are the oldest ones), the Reformist Party, and the Nationalist Party, among others.