Bank of the USSO

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The Bank of the USSO houses the financial reserves of the nations who participate on the USSO Common Market.

As of 35.53 PSSC, there are 6 accounts registered to the National Bank

Investor Name Total Wealth % of Total Funds Available Wealth % of Available Funds
Total 892,438 Credits 100% 605,148 Credits 0%
Passio-Corum 148,739 Credits 16.6% 10,189 Credits N/A%
Jingdao 148,739 Credits 16.6% 148,739 Credits N/A%
Gerenia 148,739 Credits 16.6% 148,739 Credits N/A%
Craitland 148,739 Credits 16.6% 148,739 Credits N/A%
Xang Muang 148,739 Credits 16.6% 148,739 Credits N/A%
Nova England (Guest Member) 148,739 Credits 16.6% 148,739 Credits N/A%

Population Data

Investor Name Population USSO (% of Nation's Total) Population Growth Population Growth % Total Food Imports (Tons) Total Fuel Imports (Misc.) Total Other Imports (Misc.) Average Food Imports/Person (Tons) Average Fuel Imports/Person (Misc.) Average Other Imports/Person (Misc.)
Total 27,477,281 N/A N/A 2,837,310 337,550 7,236,420 .14 .01 .26
Passio-Corum 25,241,494 (70%) N/A N/A 3,501,110 236,550 855,567 .13 .009 .225
Jingdao 2,235,787 (.008%) N/A N/A 336,200 101,000 1,548,587 .15 .04 .69
Gerenia 0 N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0
Craitland 0 N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0
Xang Muang 0 N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0
Nova England 0 N/A N/A 0 0 0 0 0 0